Gooby too hard. Siggy still boss as it is.....

Here's the whale duck with colorful socks......

Ronald McDonald is scary.
How's this?

It's worth about 500tc.

I'll let Tamashii do one for you.
Last edited by Labirynth; Jun 18, 2012 at 06:08 PM.
Ronald McDonald is scary.
i want duckling.
He is called Dick the Duck. (i want a text saying Dick the Duck).

i pay 500-1000.

and make the pic small goddomot

can tama do mine?
Like a lie
Awesome, will do one for Gavin and one for Shock.

45's got a point though, calm down a bit please ^_^
Nao labi already maek me one, I wan tama to maek me one. Make it a robot duck
I want it to be called Robo-quack. Dat's awll.
I'll pay 150 tc
Last edited by Lololerz; Jun 18, 2012 at 08:54 PM.