His App: (Just highlighting points here, maybe..)
To start off I'm a Brown belt right now and (1.I play mainly play twin-swords, my mod rank in that is 100-150 right now.) I'm 17 and have played for about 2 months and Ive been enjoying it so far. (2.I want to join Extreme because I want to be part of something bigger that I hope can make me better while I do my best to make it better.) I can do art pretty good (3.I've done it for three or four years but Ive just starting doing Toribash textures but I'm improving.) I live in USA in central time zone. (4.I'm not active on the forums really at all right now but I could be very easily.) If you have any questions/requests feel free to ask.
@1. It is indeed a great mod and you sound to be very good at that. This will certainly get you on Link's good side. But there are some idiots who frequently do twinsword tournies and if they say something stupid ignore and if they say something bad to you, you can say how you are in the greatest clan ever, also don't listen to their bullshit.
@2. It is good that you said that in your app because people use it in their app and don't do it or don't include it at all but since like kinda invited you, he sees something good in you.
@3. You are an artist too? We don't have many of them here, welcome aboard the Extreme ship!
@4. Maybe the only negative. If you can be active I/we suggest you do so because forum activity is crucial for clans.
Also I find your name.. Interesting.. But I am not sure about Envying you.