Originally Posted by NearlyDead View Post
Aww dude, Deepercutt is really funny.
Too bad he doesn't upload that often.
fishtitan64 and cs188 are really funny.

Ikr, but he's working on a Yugioh poop lately.
He'll then do a Jackie Chan adventures one and then a Sonic X one according to him.

Can't wait for the Sonic X one, that's probably the most poopable thing on Earth.

I'll be sure to check fishtitan and cs188.
oh yeah
Originally Posted by iZey View Post
Pewdiepie, of course. I always 'lmao' when I see his videos. ALWAYS.

Then you must be pretty damn immature.
PewdiePie iz faggitz.

Seriously everything, every scare is so fucking fake it's ridiculous...
And he's annoying as fuck.

Edit: No offense and all that, it's just my personal opinion.
Last edited by Fenris; Aug 12, 2012 at 08:33 PM.
Originally Posted by iZey View Post
Haters gonna hate, Fenris.
@Wicked: yeah, of course, immature, like 1.5 million others.

Our whole generation is fucking retarded and PewDiePie is living proof of the fact.
I'm tired of 12 year old PewDie-Fanboys who think he's the best YouTuber in the world just because he acts like a mentally disabled child.
1.5 million 12 year old fanboys, of course.. im not one of them, and i think pewdie has some "mature" viewers, too.
~I'm out here, it never makes sense to discuss in the internet.