Christmas Lottery
Originally Posted by EmoTeal View Post
Why not? I mean I joined in '08 and I have no problem with regular members. The incompetent ones and the phisherz are the people that piss me off.

It's not like there ISN'T talent growing right now.

But the best players right now, vs. their current competition

I don't think it compares to ToriLegends vs. their competition.

Nuthug streaking on siku, ishi, kingbosh, and borgpunx was 30 fold more impressive than.... kristis streaking on wolfe, rookie, and tay.

No problem with the current players either. Just saying: give credit where credit is do.
Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
You're right, the talent now isn't anywhere near the level the ToriLegends were at.
Who knows, maybe Toribash's prime has passed...
Originally Posted by EmoTeal View Post
You're right, the talent now isn't anywhere near the level the ToriLegends were at.
Who knows, maybe Toribash's prime has passed...

or the new age of toribash "legends" has begun?
Parrot | Tabby | Nike | [Midnight] | Foxy | Deridor | Joel

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everyone here is equal, depend on side of view you see
"0h no" -Trice
A.K.A Tricerafi || Thanks Papa Donut, bless you
Numb why do you always post offtopic shit? Anyways back to the topic at hand, most "legends" pop up every now and then mainly in the oldfaeg clans or in the irc. Also guys people are consider legends based off opinion stop being butthurt little girls and grow up.
Funny part is, Zouph talks like he's one of them. Seems like he wants to hang out with his old buddies War Hero and Rutz.
Don't like us? Tough shit. Get some common sense already, not everyone has a whole life to waste on a videogame, get used to the newfags.

If you're lucky, some oldfags might even pop up, but rarely.
oh yeah
Well pusga its not that rarely i think because most of the ''legends'' are still a little forum active and a few of them will be back with the release of toribash 4.0 probably
But the thing that makes them legends is their skill and their style and because they did something that not much people did
For example nuthugs when he did it first time everybody was like wow thats awesome
But now in wushu servers or spars or whatevermod you see random people do that same thing and then you are just like meh.
Alexander Graham Bell maker of the first telephone they call him a legend well just because he did something special for his time.
Nowadays you can watch tv on your cellphone and people think its something normal.
And who you call a legend depends on your opinion and for example mod, style, and certain people.
And to be honest ive seen new people pull out some great stuff either and there are new players that have just joined last month that make better art then i do and im aruond for a while here.
Everybody can has his own opinion about this but this is what i think about it.
Dont judge people by their join date cause sometimes they are extreemly skilled.
My art shop pm m or post in the thread if interested:
Old fags, old fags everywhere.
Just wanted to say that War_Hero and NutHug are more active than you think (find out how). War has been inactive for some days, though.
<Marco> and then Oblivion tried to sexually assault me
<Oblivion> and Marco wasn't surprised at all
Ahh, so this is Zouph, never heard of him before.
Also, most of the "old" people only hang out in IRC or rarely pop up ingame.

There are new and possibly better players now, but everyone misses the "old" people.
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