I made this set, not with this request in mind but yeah... perhaps u'll like it


If you like it we can talk about the price
/| Full time Mage |\ /| Anime United |\ /| If you know the true meaning of Stonehenge, please PM me |\

Hi :/ i finished this from 2 or 3 days i think and i was busy in real so i am late to post i think?

Size: 512
Resize: Auto
Price: looking for 30k? i don't know if 30k is high then tell me what is your price
Edit: i can edit the chest and make it better if you like the others so what do you think?
recolor: Yes(1k to recolor red or black and 1,5k to recolor black and red and there is no another recolor only red and black)

Want set? head? avvy? pm me if you want anything.