Just to prove a point.
Violent videogames make you desensitized to violence and death, and conditioned to brutally murdering another creature. Chances are, someone who plays gears of war all day is more likely to not be affected by the consequences of murder than someone who is a flower child.
And just because he feels his family is "consricting him" does not in any way give him the right to murder them in cold blood.
He murdered two innocent people, and you think he needs rehabilitation? For all we know, his mom told him to clean his room too many times, and that's what did it. The article says they were a very reknown and respected family. (They live in a damn gated community, he was not in a ghetto family abuse situation) If somebody walked into your house and killed your family, would you really want them to be "rehabilitated"?
People can snap at any time; just because he was normal, young, confused, and feels remorseful, that does not mean he is exempt for his crimes. I don't think you all understand the severity of capital murder. One of my friends had a friend, who always seemed normal, albeit a bit shy. One day he went to school with a magnum and shot 2 students (1 may have died I think). Just because somebody may have called him names.
I think the justice system is pathetic, I don't want a society of reformed criminals. It only sems fair that his life should end after ending the lives of a middle-aged woman and a young teenage girl. Eye for an eye policy.
Edit: Like I said before, the boy said "It didn't matter who I killed, I just felt like killing. Also because I hate the way people talk in negative tones" and "I didn't want them to feel pain, I wanted it to be over fast. It's like everything went wrong" He also said he shot his mom 4 times, and his sister twice.
Edit: Oh yeah, @Faint: If I didn't listen to the audio file, I wouldn't have commented.
What charges do you think he should face (If you believe that he SHOULD face charges at all)?
Do you think his actions were rational or irrational?
How do you think he feels now (Does he regret it or not)?
Or, you know, we could just talk about what we think as a total...
But is it? I bet your answer would change on your life experiences. Seeing how you're a rehabilitation guy, I'd say nothing major has happened in your life where you'd want revenge. It's a blind guess really, but things might way in the favour of death penalty in your mind if say someone killed your family. A sisters boyfriend or what not. Would you still want this boy to get put in rehabilitation?
Just to prove a point.
Violent videogames make you desensitized to violence and death, and conditioned to brutally murdering another creature. Chances are, someone who plays gears of war all day is more likely to not be affected by the consequences of murder than someone who is a flower child.
And just because he feels his family is "consricting him" does not in any way give him the right to murder them in cold blood.
He murdered two innocent people, and you think he needs rehabilitation? For all we know, his mom told him to clean his room too many times, and that's what did it. The article says they were a very reknown and respected family. (They live in a damn gated community, he was not in a ghetto family abuse situation) If somebody walked into your house and killed your family, would you really want them to be "rehabilitated"?
People can snap at any time; just because he was normal, young, confused, and feels remorseful, that does not mean he is exempt for his crimes. I don't think you all understand the severity of capital murder. One of my friends had a friend, who always seemed normal, albeit a bit shy. One day he went to school with a magnum and shot 2 students (1 may have died I think). Just because somebody may have called him names.
I think the justice system is pathetic, I don't want a society of reformed criminals. It only sems fair that his life should end after ending the lives of a middle-aged woman and a young teenage girl. Eye for an eye policy.
Edit: Like I said before, the boy said "It didn't matter who I killed, I just felt like killing. Also because I hate the way people talk in negative tones" and "I didn't want them to feel pain, I wanted it to be over fast. It's like everything went wrong" He also said he shot his mom 4 times, and his sister twice.
I live in middle class, and I have absolutely nothing in my life to feel sad about. Yet I suffer from depression. It's not logical if you look at purely the environment. Instead, if you look at my genetics, my family is predisposed to anxiety disorders and substance abuse, which indicates a higher rate of depression in my family. He could very well have just been handed a poor set of genes which makes him predisposed to certain behaviors. Judging by his back and forth rhetoric between a need to kill, yet wanting it to be quick, with a perception of being constricted, he sounds mentally disturbed. This could have been caused by both environmental stressors, as he feels constricted, so something about his family's actions bothered him, and a possible gene mutation, which caused him to react and feel differently to how you might have reacted to the stimuli.
People don't snap. All evidence points towards a psychotic break being a gradual affair. In fact, almost all mental disorders are a gradual affair. Schizophrenia doesn't develop instantly, it happens gradually over years. The brain doesn't suddenly just change behaviors, it's a gradual change in the brain's structure which doesn't necessarily show outward signs of change until maybe months or years passed.
And again, an eye for an eye makes everybody blind.
And again, his recollection and reasoning for shooting indicates somebody who is mentally disturbed. He's not concrete with his reasoning, and he's clearly agitated.
I agree with you completely. He doesn't need to be thrown into the prison life or anything like that, he needs psychological rehabilitation and a lot of mental help.
I cannot argue with the first bit, pitting opinion against opinion is senseless. I do however, have a unpopular opinion in the sense why not just kill off all of those mentally ill? Sure it's inhumane to kill (by law) but why shouldn't we be able to make our community stronger, more intelligent? I don't want a spiel about morals, or how it makes the world a more enriched place, so to speak. Why not kill this boy, who apparently to most seem to suffer from some kind of illness? Be it age? By 17 you should know your rights from wrong.
List o' fallacies.
Because we're trying our best to be humans. The community would not get stronger, nor more intelligent. The mentally ill aren't exactly stupid, their brain just doesn't function exactly as it should. John Forbes Nash being my main example. I'd also argue Einstein was autistic based on several facts about his childhood. The mentally ill aren't exactly bad people, nor are they stupid, in fact, i'm pretty sure every savant is much more intelligent than you can ever hope to be.
Ever heard of Kim Peek?
Leslie Lemke?
Think I've proved my point. Everyone has something to offer to society, and killing people IS wrong because ethics and morals are involved in society no matter how much you like to think they're relative. In order to prevent what'll be a bad argument against this, please read the following:
List o' fallacies.
Avoid making fallacies.