Hello my name is FMA05 my real name is edward, i have one alt deathkid05 and travis123 i gave my cousin
I have 13 years i'am mature i dont have bans or infractions, i live in mozambique with my father but my real home is in portugal with my mother.
I would like to join the clan, because it seems has an incredible potential and is very active, i already fighted tim and he is good player.
I consider myself well rounded over the forums and the game itself a little about me is i love to post on the forum and IRC all the time is like hobby to me. i'm a brown belt almost black belt my past clan was templar-new era i left because the clan is not active anymore, my hability is i'm a stundent of modding, my favorite mods are judo,aikido,wushu,lenshu,spar,classic and others
I hope you consider me, thank you
Last edited by yuki; Dec 17, 2012 at 03:13 PM.