Ask yourself, what is "purpose". It's a word, and it has a definition associated with it. The association, on the other hand, often makes the definition unclear, that's the basis of our language and communication.

So, what exactly defines purpose? We humans have achieved the highest status on the food chain on earth, we have built structures our ancestors couldn't imagine, we've dominated earth.
We might have fulfilled our purpose without even knowing it. What "purpose" are we looking for and how do we know we haven't achieved it yet? Whom's purpose are we talkng about?
Our own purpose might be to have a good time on earth. (#YOLO)
Then nature's purpose for us might be for us to reproduce.
An insect might think it's our purpose to not stomp on them.
And lastly, who decides what purpose is "ours", which one is the correct one?

Get my drift? There's no real way to discuss this without a clear definition of "purpose".
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
what u mean with religion? its clear that god dont exist i never see him and if god is the creator of all who create him?
Seriously why the fuck is this thread still open? (No offense GM's I just thought you would of closed it by now since it's derail)
But in all reality... I think I might be insane...
Originally Posted by Hyde View Post
Evolution has itself evolved and become technological, rather than organic. We are at the stage where we can choose the direction of our evolution.

I believe in the premise that our reason for existing here is to become the perfect being, through evolution, by our design or otherwise.

Originally Posted by Teknik View Post
"Listen up, maggots. You are not special. You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake. You're the same decaying organic matter as everything else." - Tyler Durden

We're all in the same compost bin, doing what datsick said, trying to justify our own existence, when we just happened, and have to deal with it.

Can't you guys just let this thread end here?
the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma
I agree with Zayex , to much dumb comments in this Thread.

Also humans morphed to a parasiteric life form with time.

Its inside the most humans , to want to be more than other humans and they do everything for it even destroying their own existence, by destroying nature and their fellow man.

Humanism is for a part the parasiteric behavement as a human.
From all beings, humans are the most unrespectful and harming species.
Reproducing theirself to keep their own race alive with no mercy to other beings.

But on the other hand, their is something which connects every human to another.
When all humans feel the same pain or come in the same bad situation, they help another.

So in my opinion Humanism can be positive and negative.

Another anoying attitude is shown by VoidSlayer, its called Ignorance.
To deny the things what the human mind canīt handle, like infinity.

Why must everything have a start or a end?
Where is the end of a circle after u drawed it?
Maybe the Universe created itself, why must there be someone who created it?
Cuz u dont understand it otherways, and things must work in the way u can imagine it, but they dont, therefore u deny everything which goes against Logic and your perception of the world.

Logic can be useful but sometimes it can stand in your own way to understand things.

Humans are born with the drive for more knowledge and with the opinion they are the Top of the creation and so they can decide what is right and false.
But history and the current status of humanity showed, they was wrong with so many things, that it is ridiciulous to claim they are born to understand everything and become perfect.

In my opinion humanity is the most imperfect and closeminded species of this planet, just by the fact they are hyperintellegent but use this intellgence for the wrong things and therefore are a threat to their own existence.

If humanity keeps living like that they will destroy their own species.

Humanism is for me, Ignorance, Greed and something what i call Egoism(God complex(deus machina ex).
but also
empathy to the fellow man,Intellegence and ability to change things without to be bound to the natural circle as much as other beings.
This two sections are surprisingly NOT LOGICAL and a PARADOXON against eachother, since humanism contains both extremly different sections of social and natural behavement.

Im gona break the human Logic with one sentence.
Why does destruction leads to order?

End of Story, The human is a paradoxon, therefore logical and not logical at the same time.
Ofcourse on top of all stands to keep their own race alive, but the question is how u do it and not why u do it.

human = unbalanced builder and destroyer = god complex = self destruction

~ dev
The Sleepy Beast
People are animals. We want to keep our family group alive and repopulating. Everything else is supposed to support that goal. I think people get confused with other family groups trying to do the same and get scared that they might want to take what from us for their own sake.

Dispite method of dilivery, it's all to try and stop people from hurting ME (and by ME I mean YOU). It would work great if the world wasn't filled with ME's.
Back to the original question (which I think went unanswered)...

I just read a whole bunch of texts about Humanism and I remembered this thread. Hopefully I can elucidate the concept.

Originally Posted by ImmortalCow View Post
Humanism: An outlook or system of thought attaching prime importance to human rather than divine or supernatural matters.

Nothing too complex.

"What is our purpose on earth?"
There's is no purpose [/scientific answer]

Humanism is much more than that. It's a whole lot of beliefs that revolve around the idea that decisions about rights and wrongs must be based on the individual and common good. It's an incredibly holistic world-view that I'd imagine (if you took the time to think about it) each and every one of you would agree with, since the alternative is just bigotry and chaos.

That's the general idea behind Humanism, but when people are talking about Humanism now, what group are they specifically referring to?

Humanism's been around for very long time, originally starting as a reaction to the somewhat authoritarian and very traditional Scholastics of Renaissance Italy. Since then, it's been lost and renewed numerous times. Right now, there's two big schools of thought in Humanism; Religious Humanism and Secular Humanism.

Usually, to differentiate the two, Secular Humanism is spelt with a capital 'H'.

I found something interesting that I stumbled across whilst reading. The Nazi's believed in humanism, but their big thing was they only extended the common good to their race. They were (as some smart lady whose name I don't recall put it) anti-human humanists.

It's 5:26AM and right now, I think that's a decent summary of Humanism. There's butt-loads of information about it online, so you can either do your own research into it or if you've got some questions, I can try to cover them.

So yeah, that's pretty much it.
Originally Posted by Agentmax View Post
Seriously why the fuck is this thread still open? (No offense GM's I just thought you would of closed it by now since it's derail)

I've gotta agree..... I made this thread last year because i was bored in class. What the hell?