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Censorship In In-Game Chat.
So many players have been abusing the game chat feature.if a Text Censor
would be installed in the chat box it would be better.
for instance if some one wants so say F**k it would be ****. or the user would get muted for 5 mins automatically.
i hope Team GM decide to put the feature in chatbox soo.

Originally Posted by box View Post

It's terrible and isn't likely to work, but it exists.

Last edited by Fish; Mar 4, 2013 at 11:17 AM.
Originally Posted by Tonakai View Post
I don't think there's ever been a mass ban just because of swearing...

by mass ban i meant,players getting banned in a huge number for harassment and abusing others.
Originally Posted by zenzen213 View Post
God no.

No it is not a good idea when about ALL of the ingame players cuss.

It's gonna take most of the chat up as all cuss (Pretty much) in Toribash.

And people don't get banned for saying things like "Fuck shit bitch" in a room unless the op was getting annoyed.

Originally Posted by zenzen213 View Post
And people don't get banned for saying things like "Fuck shit bitch" in a room unless the op was getting annoyed.

They won't get banned if they don't do it over and over and over and over again.

Only if the op is annoyed (Or a kid that doesn't want his mom/dad to see it)
mindless machine

If they don't like cussing

They can go play that

And what kid doesn't like cussing but plays a game where you can rip someone literally in half?
mindless machine
will people is just telling you there feeling at the moment
when they lose ,win and more
its acculatly helpful
to express your feeling is better than keeping them
keeping them will sure get to a rage quit!
and its more healthy!
INB4 14 days ban
Swearing Limit
Hey so now im gonna suggest an idea everyday And as the Title Says We should have a swearing Limit on every Server And If you be racist or something This is what will POP up on chat Only to you though not to the whole Server.

''Watch Your Language 1/5 Warnings''

Or something Like that :P
Want any Graphics? | PM ME!
instead .. there could be an option in server..
that.. will it censor the swearing word or not!
@#w#@ | #AeonRevival | TheAnimal
I have an even better idea, how about, if some douche who doesn't read the rules, breaks the rules... *INSTA-KICK!*
We're all going to Hell, we may as well go out in style
Death is a promise, and your life is a fucking lie
~ Not Supported
I dont think that is a good idea at all. Maybe a option for censoring in the menu