GTA, Star Wars the old republic, skyrim, fallout new vegas, portal two, assassins creed series, halo, tf2, and Mari0, one where mario has a portal gun.
I actually broke out my old gamecube to play some harvest moon earlier this year, oh how I miss that game. I don't even care about the other ones, besides toribash of course.
The new Tomb Raider
Bioshock Infinite
Call of Booty II Black Cocks
God of War Collection
Resistance Fall of Man
Batman Arkham Asylum and City
Dota 2
borderlands 2
bioshock infinite
tomb raider
assassins creed 3
CoD modern warefare 3
Dawn of War dark crusade
Dawn of War soul storm
farcry 3
quake 3 arena
Path of Exile
Mass effect 3
sleeping dogs
battlefield 3