Well, school does teach you not to capitalize every first letter in a word to make your argument look more professional. It also teaches you about apostrophes and that you should say you're instead of your in some circumstances. It also teaches you professional English words so u dnt tlk lyk dis..
I think I've made myself clear..
<Icky> Butler is the worst es
<Reta> can I fire him yet ?
Everything you said can be explained simply by the fact we are an advanced species of mammal. If you think everything you need to live happily and comfortably comes from your own instincts or peers, then nothing separates you from the rest of the animal kingdom. Going to school means you are learning the necessary knowledge to function properly in our society and actually accomplishing sonething in your lifetime. Wouldn't it hurt on the inside to know you have done nothing memorable in your life and no one will know/care who you are or what you did after you are dead? Getting an education helps make your dreams possible, and you can feel like you were successful during your lifetime.

Although, you are probably just a kid and are not capable of comprehending such meanings nor the responses everyone in this thread are giving you.

Also, everyone needs to lay off the grammar based posts. We already established KzTz is grammatically incorrect, time to move on.
it will help discussion if people who already completed school will post instead of people who still in progress therefore can't be objective.

Shmevinm claims regarding school makes us different from animals is a joke. we are animals no matter if you like this fact or not. the difference is that our process of studing is a bit more complex and involve more stuff. + we have a bit more chains in chain from our desireds to two basic instints. so the difference is only the number. in the end any our intentions, desires, dreams and any product of thinking or doing comes to the two basic instincts. also don't worry, no1 will care about you after you are dead no matter if you finished school or not. it takes just a couple of generations. or if we are looking from a very big scope even earth is not eternal. not even talking about human species. education have nothing to do to deter your success in life. for example there was a businessman who was running a huge company and he could not to write. + your own success should not be measured based on society values. otherwise you will end up striving to acomplish something you don't want but belive so. for example get a job you don't like, and get some mid-life crysis in your 40, when you will realise that you wanted something different. In the end nothing really matter, and beliving that something will left after your end is kinda naive. we are just a temporary guests that doomed to wander shortly in this strange word we don't understand, so meh cut this. guy have a point and it's partly valid, even tho it go against common beliefs and hardly appliable in reality for various reasons as maturity etc. afterall you don' understand the value of something untill youloose it or start to loose it ;p just give it 5-10 years depends on your age, and when you will move a bit more on the chain and see the actualy limits of your existance, you will think different. to clarify when you are in kindergarden - the further point in future you see real is school. in school the furthest thing you see is uni or job, in uni or at job you already start to briefly see yor end. briefly, in future, but you see it already.

ah a bit oftop

back to question: yeah OP have a partly valid point. try to think for yourself anyway, it would not make you unique, but you will atleast do stuff you belive in.
Last edited by snake; Apr 6, 2013 at 12:24 AM.
Do you have any idea how much we need school? If we didn't have English or Maths or Science, how on earth would we have the scientists, the doctors, physicians etc. like we do today? We wouldn't be able to write proper sentence, like you've done Mr Let's Capitalise Everything I Write. I'm sorry, but how could you possibly even begin learn Maths, English, SOSE and Science from Religion?! We need School because we wouldn't have the stuff we did today, the technology, the education systems.... and so forth.

[Atlantic] [Ethr] [Team Australia]

12:18 AM - Sonic: I fucking want a bisexual pride flag cake.
We won't survive, because we don't know much of the earth and the human race may be weak or something, that's my guess.
no school=don't know much
Don't send me PM's, I don't read them.
In my opinion, basic education is enough for us to live our lives properly. Sure we go to school to learn language and how to speak and make new friends, but I find many other things completely unnecessary. Why in the hell would we be taught about enzymes, chromosomes, and brain murdering methods in Math, only to find that it will be of no use in our future?! Let's say a person wants to become a government official. When was the last time you saw a government official use calculators and algebraic equations to make laws for the country?!
gabrielll mentioned about history and I have nothing against learning our country's history. Nothing's wrong with that and it is in fact, useful. We learn from the previous events so we don't make the same mistakes made in those events.
Originally Posted by mwebs1 View Post
I'm sorry, but how could you possibly even begin learn Maths, English, SOSE and Science from Religion?!

You can't... Learning English(and other languages depending on nationality) is important. It's true. We need that for communication. But what bothers me most about Math and Science is they teach us way more than we need to be taught. Learning basic and a little advanced operations is probably enough, but c'mon! Only people who are planning to work as mathematicians and scientists need to learn algebra and scientific formulas, yet they teach it to everyone who goes to school! Sooner or later they're gonna realize that all the hard work they put into learning it will be for nothing. All those sleepless nights? And for what? A fucking passing grade?!
Last edited by Bulletron; Apr 6, 2013 at 08:29 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
a spoon.
People who don't understand how the system works inevitably fail at making it continue working when they intentionally tinker with it. The system works on math, among other things.

Math is useful to anyone, anyone at all. Every profession requires math to one extent or another, even if because at the end it's about efficiency or profit. You may try and argue that not every profession needs to understand, say, calculus: but that doesn't make calculus useless in that profession. Quite the opposite, calculus represents a fundamental understanding of the concept of "change". If you want to say that's useless in any situation, you are free to live in a stagnant world in the middle of nowhere.

If you say that understanding science is worthless, how do you expect to be competitive in today's society? If you don't understand how something works, you cannot make it work better. Not in any meaningful scale that anybody else could not accomplish. What do you want to bet that technology is not everywhere, all the time, in today's society? "But that's not scientific, that's computers and stuff!" you might say, but it is. Computer Science is a legitimate field.

You also seem to be under the impression that English is the only necessity for communication. If that were true, you'd know what I mean when I say that the total electrical flux passing through a closed surface is equivalent to the charge contained in that surface without needing to consider even what a charge is.

Enzymes, chromosomes: All of biology is taught in the off chance that it becomes interesting. If it isn't, then you'd make a terrible biologist.

Chemistry is taught for the same reason, and because it's exceptionally important. If you can name something in your every day life for which chemistry has no relevance, either you're wrong or you used chemistry to pick something that is explicitly absurdly difficult to explain with chemistry.

Physics is often taught and rarely understood. Basic physics is an almost irrelevant subject when inspected under the light of Calculus. Given two or three base formulas, all of Newtonian mechanics can be derived without resorting to anything weird. Allowing weirdness, all of Newtonian mechanics can be summed up in one equation. That's accurate enough to launch things at the moons of Saturn and actually hit.

Math: If algebra seems useless, you aren't even attempting to use it. And yes, you can get away with that: you only technically need to know how to pay taxes and not die, really. So, yes, I'll admit learning how to solve quadratic equations by the dozens is, in fact, probably useless. If you think science is about memorizing formulas though, you've completely missed the point of mathematics. Even if I did not know the quadratic formula, I could rederive it in 5 minutes or so (most of which would be writing), because I understand algebra. No one bothers to memorize formulas in mathematics: It's about how one thinks.

If you want to live without learning how to think, again, it's your choice. But do you think society has a use for that? Manual labor is worthless to large corporations, unskilled jobs can be exported to India, and people who can't do anything remotely interesting are a dime a dozen, which is about what you'll be paid for having a skill set that amounts to "nothing special at all". Any profession worth doing requires at least understanding that math is a study of understanding -- and anyone who thinks it's all about the formulae does not understand that. The formulae are at most shortcuts to the end results.

Someone who can plug numbers into formulas is worth at most $2000, total. For their entire lives. Most of the times you could go down to about $100 or so. That's the price of a calculator that can do anything involving "plug numbers into formulas math".
Squad Squad Squad lead?
The standardization of Toribash Squad roles may have gone too far!
I think that I'm going to clear some little things to that guy, not too much, but at least I'd answer some of his questions:
Originally Posted by KzTx
We Learn Simple English Or Simple Languages From Our Homes.

Your parents couldn't teach you English if they didn't go to school.
Originally Posted by KzTx
Food Tech Is Something We Learn At Home.

How can you learn that if no one of your family went to school?
Originally Posted by KzTx
Science Is Something You Can Also Do At Home With The Kind Of Technology Today.

How could the world know what's technology without going to school?
Originally Posted by KzTx
Things Like Maths Might Need School But Think Of It.

How could you know what's maths without going to school?
For example, when you was 4 years old (at least you knew how to talk a little), could you know how to count from 1 to 3 WITHOUT school?
Originally Posted by KzTx
Kids Do Things They Love. Like Gaming, Hair Dressing, Racing. Fun Things.

You wouldn't know what's love without going to school.
You wouldn't know how to play without going to school.
You wouldn't know how to dress your hair without going to school.
You wouldn't know how you race without going to school.
You wouldn't know what's fun without going to shcool.

School is your whole life + You should work hard to be successful in your life.
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While I agree that our education isn't useless, we all need education, as repeatedly stated all over the whole thread like i didn't get the message.
But it does holds a great potential for improvement, in my opinion, we need a complete remake of what education means to us.

Now this video explains my point better than any wall of text could.
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
Sorry for my habit to type words with capital letters. As if I write that like on a Test, work ect....
Originally Posted by patrickooo View Post
I think that I'm going to clear some little things to that guy, not too much, but at least I'd answer some of his questions:

Your parents couldn't teach you English if they didn't go to school.

How can you learn that if no one of your family went to school?

How could the world know what's technology without going to school?

How could you know what's maths without going to school?
For example, when you was 4 years old (at least you knew how to talk a little), could you know how to count from 1 to 3 WITHOUT school?

You wouldn't know what's love without going to school.
You wouldn't know how to play without going to school.
You wouldn't know how to dress your hair without going to school.
You wouldn't know how you race without going to school.
You wouldn't know what's fun without going to shcool.

School is your whole life + You should work hard to be successful in your life.

But whoever made this rule? Who said " School is now the most important thing in ur life. And I know I'm writing weirdly cause this is the Internet and I don't care
How do I delete threads? This is getting too much hate from some people about my typing habit.
Last edited by KzTx; Apr 6, 2013 at 03:00 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump