well as for people showing off for there belts in some subjects they are some times right but it dose not explane why he is showing off as for the rank he has absalutly no reason to show off because simply if you fight a lot of noobs and win or shovel and win you'll get a higher rank
Originally Posted by ghassan View Post
well as for people showing off for there belts in some subjects they are some times right but it dose not explane why he is showing off as for the rank he has absalutly no reason to show off because simply if you fight a lot of noobs and win or shovel and win you'll get a higher rank

what? shoveling is a move, and it can be countered, stop complaining about it. First of all if the noobs are getting owned, it's their fault. They have their servers for them, when they venture into other servers they will probably get owned.

also, I agree with war_hero, I usually fail against like orange to brown belts, but I can beat really good people without a sweat. :P