aiight guys. this is Misfithero as u can see. my favorites are ofGod- let me join, Youngbl00d - Always active and fun to play with, Cindermomo isent in our clan but hes also very cool and in the server as much as any of us, ofPhailure- a very good friend, ofPhridge very nice and generous, Rob (mister616) good friend, reliable.
i have forgotten Doubleforte, sorry lol see u get your own little paragraph of my favorites
the least favorite phantoms..
well see.. when i first say a phantom it was in server 27 and a phantom was threatening to hack people... i dont remember who he was... and when i first met bob(with numbers after his name) he wasent very nice and acted like i wasent good enough to b in the clan. so bob and the other people who were thrreatening to hack are my least favorites. i dont remember who they were sadly.
Last edited by ofCannibis; Jul 20, 2008 at 02:39 AM.