Original Post
coolest suicide
ok. this is the comp of the best looking suicide, not the most points.
not much more to it, rules:
1.)no uke assistance.
2.)100 decap threshold

ok. 1 more judge is needed, we will score the suicides from 1 to 10 on the following 3 catogories:

amount of lost body parts
overall looks

winner will receive all the credits i have (about 400), and 5 respect points.
(post if you want to judge, you cant submit an entry, though)

comp will end when we get 5 entries.
Re: coolest suicide
I can't beleive none of yall havent descovered the glute glich. ok when you dismember your legs and your glutes are still connected contract your glutes for ten frames then press c
Re: coolest suicide
Heres my entry if it's not to late.
Last edited by Nepo; Apr 24, 2008 at 08:38 PM.
Re: coolest suicide
Here is my entry hope you like
Last edited by wetto; Aug 13, 2007 at 06:04 AM.
<spencer135> I'm God.
<Wetto> well
<Wetto> I'm thor
<Wetto> How many non shitty album covers have you been on hmm?
<spencer135> ...
Re: coolest suicide
Originally Posted by TertyWerty
I can't beleive none of yall havent descovered the glute glich. ok when you dismember your legs and your glutes are still connected contract your glutes for ten frames then press c

Did anyone even read this?!
Re: coolest suicide
I got a Banned Reg key (from the internet one) and i have to enter!!

P.S I'm buying the game on April the 12 my Bday
Re: coolest suicide
I don't have the full version (so i can't save a replay) but can I enter by telling you how to do the move? If so here it is.

Relax All
contract elbows
Raise shoulders
Grabby hands

space x2

contract pecs

space x1

ungrab hands
Re: coolest suicide
I was bored, so I outdid TheKnife's 24 frame suicide
Plus one with more general breakage, sorry about the long run time, i was too lazy to shorten it
Attached Files
20FrameSuicide.rpl (13.1 KB, 18 views)
MassSuicide.rpl (178.6 KB, 15 views)
Knife_24framesuicide.rpl (15.6 KB, 12 views)
TheAmazingFlyingTorso.rpl (270.0 KB, 12 views)

<Ownzilas> Alright
<Ownzilas> 3'2 then
<Ownzilas> Half PID's dick.

Re: coolest suicide
1. Double post
2.Same replay
3. Not very good replay
4. Learn to spell: suicide not suiside
5. Idiot

Thank you PlayerID666, but there is no need for the last comment.

Also, as stated, never double post.
<Imsku> One sentence at a time, I will work my way into everyone's signature.
<%Qegola> I shouldn't have slept with that dude in the subway...