Christmas Lottery
(haven't clicked this thread since it was created just because I don't have box or ps3)

if you guys would just discuss about xbox/ps3 games and ID in this thread I think the title is already fine, unless you want to use this thread to discuss about games in general.
Step out of your skin, put it in a jar. I thought they were my friends, but they were cannonballs.
I think it should be gaming thread instead of the ID thing.
If its just ID's that wouldn't make a decent thread.

should it be general gaming thread or just xbox/ps3 gaming thread?
Step out of your skin, put it in a jar. I thought they were my friends, but they were cannonballs.
Having a thread dedicated to one certain game would help.
Especially if you talk about said game a lot. Easier to follow the conversation, and what not.
Well this fucking sucks. My ps3 isn't accepting my games for some reason. Before I put a game in, and it started making a clicking noise, and I couldn't get my game out.
Eventually I got pissed off and used for, making it come out. My ps3 is still not accepting the disk, and is still making the clicking sound. I don't have YLoD I know for sure. I'm planning on taking it apart when I get the chance since my warranty has been up for 2 years now. Can anyone help me with this situation?

Get it fixed, and get far cry 3. I'm getting lonely
Someone play something with me.
If I don't have the game I'm going to the game shop soon and probably gonna buy a few games.
Bo2 and far cry 3 maybe
I have a replay thread show it sum love<3