<Stellar> So let's get this thing going, hello Erf how are you today?
<Erth> I'm well, thanks, busy but well
<Erth> Yourself?
<Stellar> I'm well, thanks for asking.
* Stellar winks
<Erth> huehuehue
<Stellar> Alright, so let's start off with a little bit about yourself "Name/location/age/belt/etc"
<Erth> My name is Dan, I live in the UK, I'm 17 (18 in under 1 week woo), I'm a 10th dan and I like long walks on the beach...
<Stellar> How do you manage to have long walks on the beach with Uric? Wouldn't that be hard considering he only has one leg? (I love you Uric, don't ban me ;-;)
<Erth> I carry him on my shoulders
<Stellar> You must be strong, he's quite fat
<Erth> I've had him on a special diet, it's becoming easier
<Stellar> You're such a good boyfriend :')
<Stellar> I wish I had a strong man like you to carry me in his arms
<Erth> I have no idea how to respond to that :U
<Stellar> That's normally where you tell me something like "Stellar you're beautiful, it shouldn't be hard"
<erth> Yeah, that thing you just said
<erth> ;o
<Stellar> Speaking of hard, how are you fairing being a Clan mod, GM leader, and a Super Moderator?
<Stellar> See what I did there? I'm so good at interviews
<Erth> I c wot u did thar
<Stellar> #1 interviewer in toribash
<Stellar> Anyways so how are you fairing?
<Erth> In all seriousness it's pretty cool, the Gm lead tends to keep me most busy, especially given that there's a lot of changes going on right now. Smod and Clan mod consist mainly of answering PMs and handling reports, not hugely taxing
<Erth> All in all it's pretty sweet
<Stellar> You seem to be doing a very good job from a regular users view.
<Erth> Hah, they don't know the half of it :V
<Stellar> If you had to pick one what would you say was your favorite job during your Toribash career?
<Stellar> I do, I know everything about you Erth. I have your poster in my room
<Erth> Hmmmm, favourite job... Gotta be GM
<Erth> Back when it was all new and exciting just after my trial
<Erth> Lots of activity, lots of ingamey things
<Stellar> I remember those days, back when we'd get in trouble for poking fun at snapkickers
<Stellar> Haha anyways do you feel that toribash has changed you as a person?
<Erth> It inspired me to take up judo at one point. That was interesting... I dunno, it's hard to say
<Erth> I mean, I've definitely changed while I've been here, in the community, but whether it's been due to it is another matter
<Stellar> Very well, you've been a member since 2010, right? How do you feel the community has changed since then? Do you think it's gotten better, or declined?
<Erth> Well I wouldn't say it's declined. There seem to be a lot more younger users now, which isn't a bad thing, I was only 14 when I joined. The noticeable thing for me though is the people that have gone, I guess it's inevitable that people leave
<Erth> but it'd be nice to see them back again
<Stellar> Speaking of people leaving, what user do you miss the most?
<Stellar> and why
<Erth> Can I have two?
<Stellar> You can have as many as you'd like, my good man
<Erth> Right at the top of my list HAS to be Crux and Fee
<Erth> They were leaders of my first clan, Raid, they gave me the chance to join, make a wee bit of a name for myself, showed me the IRC
<Erth> They were awesome to just chat to
<Erth> Uric would've made the list, but I still speak to him sometimes, but I never see Fee or Crux :<
<Stellar> Fee's in [Mister] every now and then, you can probably find him there
<Erth> Never when I'm around ;~;
<Stellar> Speaking of clans, how do you feel with the massive amounts of unofficial clans sprouting up?
<Erth> I feel very little about them, heh. A lot of them just die off anyway, and as Skul says, it's a nice little tc sink. Perhaps there's too many people trying to lead instead of finding good old clans, which is causing some official clans to become inactive, but meh
<Erth> pretty much just meh
<Erth> heh
<Stellar> That is by far
<Stellar> the best answer I have ever seen
<Stellar> How do you feel about the current roster for gamemasters as well as clan mods?
<Erth> Gm roster is improving, we're pushing the trials through to fulls now, I think 3 in the past 2 weeks? something like that
<Erth> And we're getting a decent amount of apps now, which we'll go back to after our current trials are sorted
<Erth> As for the clan mods
<Erth> the only major change is Hero, and he's doing a good job
<Stellar> Do you have anything to say to those aspiring to become clan mods or gamemasters?
<Erth> Hmmmm
<Erth> If you want to be a gm, be enthusiastic, that's the main thing I look for in an app. No use having someone that is applying but doesn't really want it, or isn't fully commited to it
<Erth> obviously we look at other factors, but my personal main one is enthusiasm
<Erth> as for clan mods... well, we're always looking for active clan council members - that'd be the place to start for that
<Stellar> Can you explain what a clan council member does, because I know there are a few readers that have no idea what they are/do
<Erth> The clan council are just a secret group of people who vote on whether an unofficial clan should be official or not
<Stellar> Oh, alright. Well thanks for that
<Stellar> Is there anything else you'd like to say to our readers?
<Erth> es shovel es legal?
<Stellar> um no, wtf that'll get you banned
<Stellar> Anyways thanks for your time erth. o7
<Erth> lol, no worries man o7