I have no idea what my friend code is, cause it only gives me ? as the friend code, and I have no idea why. I probably need to connect to the internet or something with it.
But I totally have a Normal-type safari. Eevee, Audino, and Dunsparse, in order most to least fucks given from people who have gotten my safari. I'm kinda miffed, cause 1/3 Audino spawn chance ;_; so much easy farm and I can't has.
ALSO, I've started my very long a difficult to determine how the fuck to do quest of getting a shiny Magikarp in a Master Ball that knows Bounce. I'm not entirely sure, but I know you can do it by getting a male wailmer from a different country, then catching a female magikarp with a Master Ball, then just breeding a metric fuckton of times. The other country part just to improve the odds of a shiny (Masuda method, hurrdurr i haven't played since gen3 so I only just found out about this, still was under the impression shininess is dependent on IVs so was trying to catch a shiny female magikarp to improve my odds). However, I have no information affirming that the Masuda method works in Gen 6, but I think it should. Oh ya, and babies inherit the ball that the mother was caught in, so ya, using a Master Ball on a Magikarp for extra swag.