Mhmm, why to make a spin when you're not going after it ?
I dont like that part when you go into a spin and you're not making it happen, it is like having sex without the ending xD
The hit with your shin is really nice, could be performed better just to make the hit with the lower part of the shin, not really just under the knee.
Frame 312, I don't like the execution of this kick as you extend your leg, i would rather make it a hook kick where you destroy whole chest etc. yeah but you had some purpose in it to collide the parts after, so it is looking nice, you even managed to make the back rollover really good, and finish with a pose, so the replay is stylish, fast, nice, and overall looking good, just some minor things that I PERSONALLY would make the other way just so that would look a little better for me, and that is my opinion on that
CnC'd in ya face.