Real name: ?
Forum activity (1-10): 10
Ingame activity (1-10):1 (I broke my PC so i can only go to forums on mobile)
Worst mods : nothing
Best mods : minekido (rank 11),greykido (rank1) *
Age : ?

* that was my rank month ago.
Headshot: Maybe we should get a basic application template for people, but give them extra brownie points if they dont use the template and give exxxtra content
tryout message
can I please join i'm looking for a clan also name Isaac best mod laser worst mod parkour. I also wanted to be an assassin.
*midd lefinger** triggerhappy*
Real Name:Rendi Wiliam
Forum Activity:8(market and pm)
In-Game Activity:9
Worst Mods:Lenshu, Parkour
Best Mods:Judo,Aikido
Why we should accept you into the clan:I am a pro, I can win a clan war easily
Why you want to join the clan:I wanna have a clan and feel a clan war and teach the junior member
Real Name:Tristan
Forum Activity:I don't say much because i'm not part of a community "yet"
In-Game Activity:I play everyday
Worst Mods:Ninjutsu,Aikido
Best Mods:Wushu,Judo,JudoFrac
Why we should accept you into the clan:I'm already fairly good at the game, but im not part of a community so...
Why you want to join the clan: Any clan was my thought at first but I would much enjoy getting into this one specifically...
Real Name:Tristan
Forum Activity:I don't say much because i'm not part of a community "yet"
In-Game Activity:I play everyday
Worst Mods:Ninjutsu,Aikido
Best Mods:Wushu,Judo,JudoFrac
Why we should accept you into the clan:I'm already fairly good at the game, but im not part of a community so...
Why you want to join the clan: Any clan was my thought at first but I would much enjoy getting into this one specifically...SO YEAH! COMMUNITY!
Last edited by Tristan101; Mar 20, 2014 at 08:20 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump