Quitting (TC Reward &/or Penalty)
This is a 2nd suggestion that I've been wanting to post for a while, I've talked about this in game very frequently and everyone usually seems to want this also.
This involves a few different ideas, so please read all of it before choosing your opinion.
(this does not apply to tournament servers)
So the first idea is of course letting a player have the 10tc reward or at least 5 when their opponent quits
after the game is at half or later. People quit very frequently just for the sole purpose of not allowing others to get the reward, only because they hate losing.
At the same time, there could also be a small TC deduction of 2-5 from the quitter, giving a much greater reason not to go spec or disconnect when they're about to lose.
With this in mind, it could become a server setting to enable/disable TC rewarding in general or even just the TC deduction, making this enabled on the public servers and optional on player created servers (to the creator of the server of course).
Of course I'm not inquiring to do all of this, only take what you want from it.
On a side suggestion, it would be good to add a 'report' button in-game that would link people to the IRC and direct them to use #support and find a GM if they have the proof.
Thanks for reading, I hope some of these suggestions can be considered
Last edited by Asshat91; Jan 30, 2014 at 08:39 PM.