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512 x 512 Joint Textures
Hello people,
As the title says, 512 x 512 Joint Textures are now on the shop,
as well as a few price changes regarding joint textures:

Big joint textures (Pecs, elbows, chest, lumbar, knees, shoulders, glutes and hips)
128x128: 15k
256x256: 35k
512x512: 80k

Small joint textures (neck, wrists, abs, ankles)
128x128: 10k
256x256: 25k
512x512: 50k

These changes are made, mainly, because everyone should be able to wear joint textures. No sense on making them luxury, at least 128x128 joint textures now are accessible for more people.

Also, if you still think that these prices are high enough or you can't afford them, I suggest you taking a look to this event, where you can win these spicy 512x512 joint textures!
Last edited by Tinerr; Jan 31, 2014 at 07:43 AM.
Originally Posted by Zero View Post
i highly doubt it.

Hey man. If you were here back in 2006+ you would know that the normal 128s were as expensive as ****. My point is, don't lose hope <3 think positive! Anyone agree with me? Probably no because it's funny to disagree that way. :]

Anyways, on a serious note, is there any way to upload them all at once like the special button for the textures there is now? :]. I actually find that helpful.
Chickster: I literally don't know why I did it.
I have been looking forward to this moment for a while. I'm sure some will remember the conversations we've had on this topic. We made guesses on what the new joint texture prices might be when the 512's would become available. I have to admit I am surprised to see all the joint textures drop this low this fast! Anyways, as before, I am very interested in seeing an influx in joint texture use. Hopefully, creativity will flow and beautiful sets will come forward.
rock the world, one fight at a time
Really good work.

Awesome Tinerr. Thanks
↝In the name of Allah↜
↝Angels ツ my twin for ever↜
Well i see how there are 15$ per 512 joint can there be like 25cents for each 128 body texture i know this is kinda a stupid idea but