Christmas Lottery
Originally Posted by deady View Post
Lovely. 10.

I have 555

This is my oldest though, its a rating on a replay by Jepoy that doesn't seem to have a working link anymore
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
Here's a trick for you. When it's reaction time phase, press b twice. B enables movement predictions based on current trajectory or whatever nonsense for both players. Pressing B again disables it and gives you a fps boost. It's not permanent but just do that whenever you start lagging and most the time your fps should go up at least to decent levels.

Ironically, my first post was a help post, meant for the old toribash when FPS could go down simply because, and that activating ghosts helped out quite a bit.

I say ironically because I'm not that helpful anymore.... well I am but not so much in the nice way

Look below for proof
-I am Unsatisfied.... the blood of children is not enough, no... I need fresher.... I need... TEENAGE PROSTITUTES!
-RelaxAll, for the soul, heart, mind, and any drug addictions you may/may not be suffering from!
"Also please note that sometimes the staff gets a wee bit pissy.
If you encounter a moderator when they're in a pissy mood, and you get banned... All I can say is: BAD LUCK" -Veb
There? Small right? Feel happier? Yes you do! OH YES YOU DO!... pls?

hmmm I'll keep this goin a bit longer...blindragdoll is currently the leader

selling my amy trails lulz
On 18, 2008 of the year August, we shall have tea. The following day we eat anyone wearing purple clothes. Then we get into tanks, drive a mile away from each other, and start firing random shells into the air. First one to hit the other tank gets a 5 second head start in the 1 legged race.

In the one legged race, you will be hogtied and forced to compete in the Boston marathon using your penis only. We shall also set down bear traps, landmines, barbed wire, and floating thumbs. Your penis will be painted to resemble an illusion that looks like a 3-D steak; as a result, several Dobermen and Rottweilers we will be taking for a walk that morning which have been starved the previous week may attack.

There's mine. Well the earliest available one anyway. The first was my joining CBK.

<suomynona> It might kill you, but, that's the worst it'll do
Mine was:
"Hey, if you need a judo trainer I could be one. I <3 judo." I was gonna be in the thing that pirate was doing.
Some people kick ass. I think a kick in the balls works is more effective. If you have AHDH or ADD, Click here! Proud eater of breakfast! Visit my shop! Support Decoleman!
Umm... Your leaving and you have a ToriBooster? Someone didn't think this through well...

This isn't THE 500th one, but it made me laugh so I picked it. Its probably like 496 or something...
Originally Posted by Clbck View Post
Cevius was damn rich back then.

Ah, when you got credits from posting.

Funny. Thinking back to earlier days
Alright, see, I can get into Torishop, but I can on other computers.

I checked my cookies, they're allowing both and

When I try to load a page on this computer in Torishop, I keep getting '404 NOT FOUND' errors. Solutions?

User was infracted for this post. (Useless post)
Thread title fits my first post perfectly ^_^

I'm slightly over 500 posts but i still remember typing this very vividly.
My first post on a forum, ever.
<Alan> lol, rutz, it might be cool to smell your ass all the time you touch the mic