Originally Posted by
There are many forms of religion, all coinciding with the same purpose to give people hope and believe there is something more out there.
I think its beautiful, and no one has the right to take that away from them, believe away, and it might pay off in the end. Whats the harm in someone who wants to believe in something more?
This is a few weeks old, but I was diving through various things and it struck a chord. My lady is Wiccan, I am not Christian myself, nor anything really mainstream (refuses to share with family due to upcoming point).
The point of this is that people are just downright mean based on beliefs. It doesn't matter what they are, if they don't coincide with their beliefs, they become mean. A good example is my Wiccan lady and my mother and stepfather. They alienate and ridicule her because she is Wiccan and therefore, in their minds, she is a devil worshipping cultist.
I proceeded to inform them that she in no way believes in a devil figure, so that idea is irrelevant. They got angry. It really is a beautiful thing to believe in what you want, and do what you want as long as you aren't harming others.
Aaanywho, just trying to catch up on important conversations on the forum since I've been away for a few years. *rubs head embarrassed*
Last edited by Reaperwolf; May 24, 2014 at 05:30 PM.
Reason: Forgot a point to add in post.