Hello everyone! My name Sam, as everyone calls me at least, I'm 14 and would love to join Nitro. Why do I want to join Nitro? That's what your asking yourself right now. I know. I can read you like a book (0).(0). Anyways, I would like to join to better myself in the style, or art as I like to call it, of Aikido. Not only that, but if I self improve, I might be able to improve the clan overall, and try to get us all to rank numbero uno. I would also love to be apart of a community, a community that doesn't just talk, but kicks the crap out of other communities as well ;) . I currently consider myself rather good at Judo, meh at Aikido, and don't expect much of me for Wushu, Ninjitsu, stuff like that, for I don't partake; although I would want to if reason arises. If you would like to test my skills, please do so in Judo, Judofrac, any variation of Judo, and if you want to so my meh, do so in Aikido, or if a slightly better version of meh, Greykido. It would a personal honor of mine to display my unorthodox Judo style to any evaluation related member of Nitro!
Thanks for reading my application, Spartin99.
Oh yeah, California over here.
Last edited by Spartin99; Apr 13, 2014 at 11:11 PM.
Reason: <24 hour edit/bump