Other account?:Nope,although it seem's like there are other accounts with similar names,(LunarSol,LunarSoup,etc.)There is no affiliation between me and them.
Forum activity ( 1 - 10 ):8/10 but sometimes 6/10
Ingame activity ( 1 - 10 ):6/10
Any previous clans?:FrazeBash
Why you left?:Very inactive,even seemed like i was the only clan member left which was alive
Why do you choose (BBS) than any other clans?:Cuz i'm a badboy,and mostly because my password in the other game accounts was badboy.Although i dont use those anymore,The word itself is somehow significant to me.
What can you do for the clan:Texture making,Digital art,maybe wars.
Replays:maybe tom. since i'm not using my other laptop.