Originally Posted by
Jok, the fact that you're so damn angry at the "cliffhanger" trick being used, means that you care, so it's done it's job, imo.
Er, no.
I'm not picking Assassin's Creed 2 up. Because of the ending, mostly. If the ending was a cliffhanger trick which they used because otherwise no-one would so much as look at the sequel (that's the only reason plausible, because otherwise it wouldn't be needed in a GAME trilogy), then it means the sequel is going to be shit, and they needed a way to secure some income.
Yeah, no. I don't care if it'll be the best game ever. If it won't be completely different, as in, different creators, different producers, different publishers, then I'm not getting it.
And that's why I'm angry. Because I'm not getting a game due to some idiots needing money.