Secret Santa 2024
Re: Bryce / Poser Renders (57 images + 17 Videos)
Very good work, the blob video almost makes me want to fire up Bryce again. Lordy.

Approx. How many hours do you think you put into making that little blobby?
Re: Bryce / Poser Renders (57 images + 17 Videos)
Originally Posted by Surukei
Very good work, the blob video almost makes me want to fire up Bryce again. Lordy.

Approx. How many hours do you think you put into making that little blobby?

Heh, I put 20 minutes into it, and roughtly 6 hours rendering. But that's because I'd had a chance to become quite familiar with the controls, and was doing exactly what I was planning to.
Re: Bryce / Poser Renders (57 images + 17 Videos)
Originally Posted by Kaze
Heh, I put 20 minutes into it, and roughtly 6 hours rendering. But that's because I'd had a chance to become quite familiar with the controls, and was doing exactly what I was planning to.

True, and what processor do you have? 6 hours with a 64 bit 3ghz processor is just as easily translated to 10 hours on an x86 3ghz, and moreso 12-15 hours on a 2.5ghz (one one I would probably render on since I play quite a few games on this comp. Nothing would ever get done XD)
Re: Bryce / Poser Renders (57 images + 17 Videos)
Originally Posted by Surukei
Originally Posted by Kaze
Heh, I put 20 minutes into it, and roughtly 6 hours rendering. But that's because I'd had a chance to become quite familiar with the controls, and was doing exactly what I was planning to.

True, and what processor do you have? 6 hours with a 64 bit 3ghz processor is just as easily translated to 10 hours on an x86 3ghz, and moreso 12-15 hours on a 2.5ghz (one one I would probably render on since I play quite a few games on this comp. Nothing would ever get done XD)

That specific video, I couldn't tell you how long it took to render, because I turned it on at my computer at work, and its a 1.2 gig, and let it start when I left work on friday, and came back monday morning and it was done. But I re-rendered it at home later, and it took 6 hours (approx) on a 2.4 Ghz P4. I actually optimized the scene, and it isn't overly complicated, methinks you's giving me more credit than I deserve.

Re: Bryce / Poser Renders (57 images + 17 Videos)
Haha, hey it's more difficult than not doing it at all obviously, which is what I have to show so far. Haha

I have some Bryce renders I've done somewhere. . .lemme go dig em up.
Re: Bryce / Poser Renders (57 images + 17 Videos)
Originally Posted by Surukei
Haha, hey it's more difficult than not doing it at all obviously, which is what I have to show so far. Haha

I have some Bryce renders I've done somewhere. . .lemme go dig em up.

Ahh, well then suffice it to say, that video scene wasn't graphically intensive, its roughly 10 boolean objects, including the waterplane beneath, and the sky plane above. If you really want, I can just upload the .br5 for you to tinker with. I made it for fun anyway, just don't go around being a noob saying 'omfg i so awesomerlololo' and it's all good.
Re: Bryce / Poser Renders (57 images + 17 Videos)
Originally Posted by Kaze
just don't go around being a noob saying 'omfg i so awesomerlololo' and it's all good.

Wouldn't dream of it I know what you mean XD I play Second Life and used to be quite an active scripter on there, so I would get this quite often just for making a simple object.

That would be cool though if you posted that, I would like very much to play around with that. Thanks a bunch in advance.
Re: Bryce / Poser Renders (57 images + 17 Videos)
Originally Posted by Surukei
Originally Posted by Kaze
just don't go around being a noob saying 'omfg i so awesomerlololo' and it's all good.

Wouldn't dream of it I know what you mean XD I play Second Life and used to be quite an active scripter on there, so I would get this quite often just for making a simple object.

That would be cool though if you posted that, I would like very much to play around with that. Thanks a bunch in advance.

'kay, hopefully I'll remember when I get home. Since it's all boolean operators, and isn't using any actual bitmaps, it should be a pretty small file.
Re: Bryce / Poser Renders (57 images + 17 Videos)
The Voldov project file: (343Kb)

Latest work:

I don't like it in the least, because she looks like a complete skank/attention whore,
but the skin is so fluid, I just couldn't throw out the test render. She looks real,
but even in that reality, she looks dirty. =/
Re: Bryce / Poser Renders (57 images + 17 Videos)
Great renders.

Little question. Do you make your own clothes for Poser? If so would it be too much trouble to send me a short PM explaining briefly how to do it? Thanks =)
<ducky> The game.
<siku> ducky: i didnt know this was 2005 and 4chan
<siku> sorry, i hate the game and you should shut the fuck up about that retarded bullshit
<siku> you should link us to awesome and edgy motivational pics next or maybe pedobear
<siku> inb4 rep needs toriprime or vip lmao rofl that /b/ is grate
<siku> is this the part where you educate me on memes, further showcasing your amazing 4chan findings
<siku> word x is a meme lmao rofl
<+veb> someone make ducky smod