Very good work, the blob video almost makes me want to fire up Bryce again. Lordy.
Approx. How many hours do you think you put into making that little blobby?
Heh, I put 20 minutes into it, and roughtly 6 hours rendering. But that's because I'd had a chance to become quite familiar with the controls, and was doing exactly what I was planning to.
Originally Posted by KazeHeh, I put 20 minutes into it, and roughtly 6 hours rendering. But that's because I'd had a chance to become quite familiar with the controls, and was doing exactly what I was planning to.
True, and what processor do you have? 6 hours with a 64 bit 3ghz processor is just as easily translated to 10 hours on an x86 3ghz, and moreso 12-15 hours on a 2.5ghz (one one I would probably render on since I play quite a few games on this comp. Nothing would ever get done XD)
Haha, hey it's more difficult than not doing it at all obviously, which is what I have to show so far. Haha
I have some Bryce renders I've done somewhere. . .lemme go dig em up.
just don't go around being a noob saying 'omfg i so awesomerlololo' and it's all good.
Originally Posted by Kazejust don't go around being a noob saying 'omfg i so awesomerlololo' and it's all good.
Wouldn't dream of it I know what you mean XD I play Second Life and used to be quite an active scripter on there, so I would get this quite often just for making a simple object.
That would be cool though if you posted that, I would like very much to play around with that. Thanks a bunch in advance.