*The rest is free form and just be creative when applying.
-GMT = (+7)
-Age = 15
-Country = indonesia
-Previous clans = The Shield & Ace
-Toribash criminal record = 1 day (asking for single ally)
-Why did you choose Suki over other official clans? (Explain) = my friend is in here and this clan look good
-Fave mods = greykido-mushu-taekkyonn.tbm
-Skills = easy save (maybe)
-Do you watch anime or read manga? (Feel free to comment) = yeah i watch brylinhdr in the darkness-one piece and crush gear (i hate reading so i didnt like manga) <3 <3<3 i hope you can accept me :3<3
Alright! I'm gonna try!
० GMT - +7
० Age - 17
० Country - Russia
० Previous clans - Abbys (for ~3-5 months), Damned (for ~2 years)
० Toribash criminal record - 1 week (trolling)
० Why did you choose Suki over other official clans? - people, who have same interests as mine, like osu!, anime, art and etc. Also I want to make new friends
० Fave mods - aikidobd
० Skills - Are you doubting in my skill?( ° ͜ʖ ͡°)
my old youtube channel was deleted. There is my tumblr blog and old DA page
० Do you watch anime or read manga? - Yes!
my skype is "croko007". Feel free to add me there!
Also, my english is sick. Please, forgive me :<
Alright! I'm gonna try!
० GMT - +7
० Age - 17
० Country - Russia
० Previous clans - Abbys (for ~3-5 months), Damned (for ~2 years)
० Toribash criminal record - 1 week (trolling)
० Why did you choose Suki over other official clans? - people, who have same interests as mine, like osu!, anime, art and etc. Also I want to make new friends
० Fave mods - aikidobd
० Skills - Are you doubting in my skill?( ° ͜ʖ ͡°)
my old youtube channel was deleted. There is my tumblr blog and old DA page
० Do you watch anime or read manga? - Yes!
my skype is "croko007". Feel free to add me there!
Also, my english is sick. Please, forgive me :<
Alright! I'm gonna try!
० GMT - +7
० Age - 17
० Country - Russia
० Previous clans - Abbys (for ~3-5 months), Damned (for ~2 years)
० Toribash criminal record - 1 week (trolling)
० Why did you choose Suki over other official clans? - people, who have same interests as mine, like osu!, anime, art and etc. Also I want to make new friends
० Fave mods - aikidobd
० Skills - Are you doubting in my skill?( ° ͜ʖ ͡°)
my old youtube channel was deleted. There is my tumblr blog and old DA page
० Do you watch anime or read manga? - Yes!
my skype is "croko007". Feel free to add me there!
Also, my english is sick. Please, forgive me :<