is there any way to code flexibility into your feet? It would help when people are kicking/ landing. for example, when you extend your ankle to land, the tip of the foot would bend slightly when it hit the ground, and would allow for an easier and smoother transition into the next move.
1. This isn't gonna be exactly a wide used thing. In most servers it won't be toggled on.
2. Its just a small space, and you cant exactly make textures different for a mod.
[19:59] <Lazors> man it's a good thing people don't see what i write here
1. This isn't gonna be exactly a wide used thing. In most servers it won't be toggled on.
2. Its just a small space, and you cant exactly make textures different for a mod.
Yep. Just like everything else. This would be a fun and interesting addon. Having textures stick well would be pretty darn confusing though. It would be interesting to keep this idea afloat and give it more supplement. Omg this would be such a big change
Sounds really good and game changing. More but less possibilies in moves we do. Maybe some glitches like a foot over flexing oddly and less grip and all but those could be bypassed. Illed love this
-Ermac begotten soul - begotten ninja @KillshiftGamers-Parkour/Spar forever-[Origin] my story has just begun
does anyone know of a good modder that could maybe implement this into the game? i need to speak to someone, especially now that i have a little bit of tc.