Secret Santa 2024
Originally Posted by Pirate View Post
as long as he uses his tk kicks we'll be fine

I lol'd

And yeah, you'll just have to kick me in the nuts.
Originally Posted by Stonewall View Post
I completely disagree. You just lost a fuckton of the respect I had for you, Yosaku. :|

yea i agree

TeamSambo - [ R A W R ] - BnW

I nominate Gary Coleman for GK.
"When the pin is pulled, Mr. Grenade is not our friend."
-U.S. Army Training Notice
*breaks door*
/sorry for offtopic but

What the fuck has saintowar done to even remotely be chosen as a gamekeeper. He has hosted one Tourney as far as I can see. Some people actually work to become Gamekeeper, you dont just get chosen.

So I suggest you take that crap out of your signature because you look like a tard.

btw I feel the same way about zackerie for Gamekeeper, you people dont get it.