IGN name: Seth93Z (Duh)
Belt(Minimum belt is black): 3rd Dan Black Belt
The mods you are good at/you play the most: Mushu/Abd
Previous clans: Nitro UnitedN
The country you are from:America
Some replays of yours: I will attach some of them If u would like but i only usually save funny ones.
Why do you wanna join us: I just felt like it (
Tell us a little about yourself: As you can see from the "Why do you wanna join us" reason i kinda do whatever i feel like IF i can. I'm pretty perverted when provoked, Some people in game call me "Creatively Insane" .(THE END, AND THEY LIVED HAPPILY EVER AFTER.)
Last edited by Seth; Aug 8, 2014 at 12:59 PM.