Originally Posted by
I'm talking about in-game related things. Racism hardly ever happens on forums.
@mwah that was an accident but don't tell me you missed all the other pages which were bans for racist usernames.
read what i said about massbans
you said this would not only censor racism (clearly) but put more ease into a moderators job, i'm pretty sure moderators can massban usernames with a keyword in the username, just like ip bans. i would find it hard to believe risk spent his day clicking every R2R account and banning it.
so yeah, read more than my first sentence and you may understand why i think this is not necessary.
in terms of in-game racism, why don't you ask a moderator the percentage of reports they get that are racism-related. i can't really comment on that because i don't know. but in my ignorance i am assuming this isn't the absolute biggest problem. from what i've seen the reports that are for racism are someone using a word commonly described as racist in order to insult others. e.g. 'you dumb n-' i wouldn't even consider this racism, instead, insulting others. cases of true racism are definitely the minority.
Last edited by mWah; Aug 20, 2014 at 12:34 AM.