Name: VLad Novetschi
Skills:aikido expert, +5000tc earned in aikido
Past Clans:"Diamond... (icantremember the name)"; Jade Lotus,Cypher
Mods you are good:aikido , abd, greykido, tlp
About yourself: I dont hear with one ear, i play 7 hours/day, desinger, 3d animation and compositibg( i use blender and gimp)
Name: Dee (Firesun)
Age: 14
Belt: Black Belt
Skills: Sparring, Parkour, MadMans (at times)
Past Clans: SFighter
Mods you are good: xSpar, Classic
About yourself:I am a competitive gamer in just about every game i play, but i also most of the time have some fun. I joke around with everything but also take things seriously when needed. I am an African American. I say that because I don't want to be in a clan that has racism in it.
Replays (just because):
Attachment 466991
Attachment 466992
Attachment 466993
Name: Haikel123
Age: 11
Belt: Black
Skills: Wushu and Sparring.
Past Clans: Fallen Angels
Mods you are good: wushu, zweihander and akido.
About yourself: I'm from Singapore~ and I'm very active ingame but not that active on forums.
Name: Haikel123
Age: 11
Belt: Black
Skills: Wushu and Sparring.
Past Clans: Fallen Angels
Mods you are good: wushu, zweihander and akido.
About yourself: I'm from Singapore~ and I'm very active ingame but not that active on forums.