Currently you're breaking a couple of market rules and you're missing a few things I'd suggest reading the rules over again. The main one I'm coming to you for is this one.

III) A user may have more than one thread open if each thread serves a different purpose. Note that having multiple threads with the same purpose may result in infractions.

.....[A] : Auction : For auctioning off art/items.
.....[B] : Buying : For requesting art/items.
.....[S] : Selling : For selling art/items.
.....[T] : Trading : For swapping items.
.....[R] : Request : For requesting art

This thead, and

I'll close the other one, and you need to fix the errors in this thread. I'm pretty nice about these things, so I'm giving you 24 hours to fix this thread.

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم