Originally Posted by thenoobsho View Post
Ok you know what, because there has been no activity on this thread im declaring nera the winner, as soon as you post here i will give you 5k

Sounds good.

PM me the TC and the way which you would like to receive your texture...

1. Link (.jpg, .gif, .png, .bmp, or .tif)
2. Email (any format, .tga by default)
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thanks JuHa, lol, personally i dont think its that great, meh just need to think more creative
photoshop, and theres nothing to it, just draw random things and get used to what the tools do, and if ur like me, download some brushes, problem solved
lol true, but it doesnt take long to get to know everything, just dl brushes, play with diff effects, look up some tut's on internet, and BOOM ur better then me in no time, lol
If I had to make a recommendation for people who want to learn how to get good heads fast...

Use layers... lots and lots of layers.

That way when you want to tweak, mirror, move, or recolor it only takes a few seconds.
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