View Poll Results: When you finish an average fight, what do you respond with?
GF (good fight)
2 Votes / 3.23%
GG (good game)
49 Votes / 79.03%
4 Votes / 6.45%
either one
7 Votes / 11.29%
Voters: 62. You may not vote on this poll
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Re: GF or GG?
I always says gg because it's nice to know that you've preformed good. + It's polite :P
Re: GF or GG?
I say GG cuase #1 its esier to press 'G' 2 times then pressing 'G' and 'F' each once....

#2. I just like it better ...
Re: GF or GG?
I write gg, because it was the first one I saw being used. :P
But really, I do it after every match, it's kinda automatic now for me...
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Re: GF or GG?
I use gg because it's all one key. With gf you have to use separate keys and I'm used to saying gg anyway. But, I will say gf back to someone if they say gf first.
R.I.P. Billy Mays
Re: GF or GG?
Originally Posted by abbadon
Saying good game or good fight is a sign of respect towards your fellow toribasher. So I think it should be said no matter if the match was really legitimate or not.... Just my humble opinion.

I agree, I almost always say gg as a sign of respect and politeness.
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[22:26] million: I'd like to be partly responsible
Re: GF or GG?
I say GG followed by a comment, unless the fight was a total joke, then I just say a comment. Durr.
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