Tea is better than coffee.
I put like 3 servings of instant coffee shit in a shot glass and tried to drink it.
Just don't.

Although I don't drink either much, if I want caffeine I just have an energy drink t-.-
Originally Posted by raaage View Post
3 servings of instant coffee shit in a shot glass

that's where you made a mistake, instant coffee is horrible,

If it comes to me i only drink black coffee and rather strong at that but only on afternoon or evening, only tea in the morning and it goes well with breakfast, especially white tea.
I strongly agree with scorpio here; instant coffee seems to put alot of people off from ever trying it again because it tastes like dirt.
thailand coffee is nice though
[19:59] <Lazors> man it's a good thing people don't see what i write here
Originally Posted by ThePirateKing View Post
Both are great!..
But for the sake of choosing... uhmm..
... Cold tea is better than cold coffee.

Iced coffee > iced tea.
Originally Posted by raaage View Post
Tea is better than coffee.
I put like 3 servings of instant coffee shit in a shot glass and tried to drink it.
Just don't.

Don't ever have that powdered shit, that stuff is the worst. Normal ground coffee is really good though, I love Moccona coffee. Very smooth and velvety, so good. :3

I drink tea whenever I don't have coffee available, but then again I'll always try to hunt down some vietnamese tea whenever I'm out to dinner.
Im curious about this:
1. For you who thinks tea is better than coffee, what is your favorite tea types?

2. Well, the same like no.1, but for coffee lovers ofc, what is your favorite coffee types?

Or you can mention both your favorite tea and coffee aswell
u wot m8
I've already mentioned this, but i think espresso is superior.
Black coffee is ok, but it's usually too watery and i hate when it's watery. Then there's the milky/sweet coffee, which is more like hot cocoa (which can be good, don't get me wrong), but espresso is the one that never feels watery and tastes like actual coffee.
I barely drink tea at all so i don't have an opinion on it. Most i've tasted have been meh.
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
iced tea over coffee i can think of many reason why but in this order
the color
the taste
the appearance
the flavor
many things i look for in a drink which will enjoy
Chab>What a dead game
bgjames1>I like WhiteF719
I drink both, probably in excess. I'm somewhat addicted to coffee and have trouble getting by without at least 1 cup a day. Quality doesn't matter, obviously good coffee = better, but I still gorge on instant coffee and can't care less. When it comes to tea it's the same, I enjoy having some high-quality tea from time to time but other than that I just get myself some obscene amount of cheap instant black tea and drink it straight out of pot. Anyway, anything goes as long as it's not too sweet, sugar kills me, milk is fine.

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I absolutely hate coffee, but tea, milk, and water are the only things I drink.

As for types of tea, I really have liked almost every type I've tried, but I'm quite partial to green teas rather than black. Especially tea with mint flavor.

Sometimes as a bit of a treat, I'll make myself a chai tea and add some milk and sugar, although I have this less often when I'm at school.
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