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Wouldn't it make more sense to make abuse illegal and use as prescribed by a train professional legal?

I am against alcohol, weed, cigarettes, etc because they aren't well regulated enough. Just look at the weed thread at the number of children to say "weed isn't bad for you actually it's good for you if anything" or something equally as uninformed. Complete legalization is a bad move, but allowing professionals to prescribe them is fine.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Originally Posted by deprav View Post
Maybe you misunderstood the kids gorman. Maybe they didn't intend to say that weed is good for health in general, but maybe they were saying weed is good for YOU, for YOU GORMAN. I think they're right, you should smoke or brew some weed-tea, maybe then you'd have a say in the discussion.

What type of argument is that. To the best of my knowledge, and I could be wrong so if so someone step in, I'm the only one in this discussion to have actually taken anabolic steroids. I hardly think that my opinion is the only one that matters. Furthermore my major is Sport and Exercise Science (Kinesiology), so I have the educational background for it to.

You're not even making an argument, you're just attacking his character.
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Yep I am not, I'm not trying to make any valid point for gorman anymore. There's been plenty of threads and discussions about drugs over the years, I (& plenty other people) made my/our point through reasonnable arguments (bear in mind I'm talking about drugs in general, not just anabolitics).

We've been explaining him how trying to ban all drugs is worthless, how our society has been trying to do it for years but the consumption never went down, only the expenses went up, we've been explaining how forbidding drugs isn't a way to educate people about those, how it would actually be economically beneficial to change the legislation, how it would be easier to help addicts & prevent diseases... points made by people who actually have experience about drugs, biology/medecine or social. He never bothered answering anything else than clichés and short sighted prejudices.

He might have some hindsight and good points on certain discussions, but when it comes to drug discussions he's just a thick dumb brick.

As where I stand about anabolitics precisely - I'm not against them, especially concerning bodybuilding since they actually fit their very purpose to the point this sport almost requieres its practicants to use (Which is why I don't like that sport, even if I totally respect it and people should stay free to practice it as they intend to). I mean, bodybuilding brings people together around a passion of the body and a particular way to "cultivate" it, including a very scientific use of anabolitics and complements, it's the core of that sport and it's a very unique sport as other sports bring people together around different principles which don't include modifying one's performance & muscles through exterior products and should stay this way.
Lets take US football as an exemple : if a team loses, they should intend to win their future matchs by improving their tactics, teamwork, technical aspects and training, as the sport they play is build on those, and not by improving their performances through anabolitics.

Also, I don't see any other viable uses for anabolitics. They don't have recreative aspects, they can't be use for military purpose or whatever else in that line of spirit. They mostly exist because it's a very profitable business, like a lot of other not so useful stuffs (including a lot of synthetic drugs).
Last edited by deprav; Oct 23, 2014 at 06:48 PM.
[QUOTE=ImmortalPig;7676680]Complete legalization is a bad move,QUOTE]
Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
I am against alcohol, weed, cigarettes, etc because they aren't well regulated enough.

Not really. Colorado and Washington have already legalized weed, there are far more benefits then there ever could be negatives.
Recreational weed use in those states hasn't skyrocketed, the number of people using it after legalization is about the same as those before.
They are also pretty well-regulated. In Colorado you can carry 1 ounce, grow up to 6 plants, so long as only 3 of them are mature at a time. Washington does the same thing, only you can't grow yourself any.
On top of that, since it's legal, it's also taxed, and that money which before probably would've gone towards gangs or something, instead now goes towards paying for themselves.

Logically, you should say it's a good move. Considering the fact that they did it in Colorado and Washington and nothing happened; if anything good stuff happened. People calmed down, didn't have to worry about being arrested, and revune was generated and the majority of that was medical pot, not recreational. To say that they shouldn't legalize because it's a bad move goes against all data they've collected.
Not really understanding people arguing anabolic steroids are healthy. Introducing hormonal imbalances into the body, particularly those related to sexual characteristics, are going to have some nasty side effects.
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Originally Posted by Dscigs View Post
Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
Complete legalization is a bad move,

Not really. Colorado and Washington have already legalized weed, there are far more benefits then there ever could be negatives.
Recreational weed use in those states hasn't skyrocketed, the number of people using it after legalization is about the same as those before.
They are also pretty well-regulated. In Colorado you can carry 1 ounce, grow up to 6 plants, so long as only 3 of them are mature at a time. Washington does the same thing, only you can't grow yourself any.
On top of that, since it's legal, it's also taxed, and that money which before probably would've gone towards gangs or something, instead now goes towards paying for themselves.

"not skyrocketing" is not my idea of success.

Originally Posted by Dscigs View Post
Logically, you should say it's a good move. Considering the fact that they did it in Colorado and Washington and nothing happened; if anything good stuff happened. People calmed down, didn't have to worry about being arrested, and revune was generated and the majority of that was medical pot, not recreational. To say that they shouldn't legalize because it's a bad move goes against all data they've collected.

Nothing happening does not make something a good move.

Originally Posted by deprav View Post
Maybe you misunderstood the kids gorman. Maybe they didn't intend to say that weed is good for health in general, but maybe they were saying weed is good for YOU, for YOU GORMAN. I think they're right, you should smoke or brew some weed-tea, maybe then you'd have a say in the discussion.

<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
"not skyrocketing" is not my idea of success.

His point is that usage stayed the same and that legalisation had other beneficial effects on society - there's been a net gain. Why is that not a good thing?
Originally Posted by Ele View Post
His point is that usage stayed the same and that legalisation had other beneficial effects on society - there's been a net gain. Why is that not a good thing?

Usage staying the same is not a win in my opinion, and as I said in the other drug thread, I'm against normalization.

Allowing people to abuse harmful substances because there's a 'net gain' is not acceptable to me. But that said, I would prefer there to be no laws and people just do the right thing. As it stands, people do not do the right thing, and cause danger to themselves and others, so laws are a necessary evil.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
Usage staying the same is not a win in my opinion, and as I said in the other drug thread, I'm against normalization.

Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
Allowing people to abuse harmful substances because there's a 'net gain' is not acceptable to me.

Usage doesn't equate to abuse. I'd argue factors like education would go a fair way to preventing abuse by forming an open, informed, normalised discourse about drugs.

Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
But that said, I would prefer there to be no laws and people just do the right thing. As it stands, people do not do the right thing, and cause danger to themselves and others, so laws are a necessary evil.

The laws don't work, though. People abuse it regardless of the law. If the law's not working the law's not working. It needs to change. Another point not many people bring up is that a lot of the danger to others that you're talking about stems from addicts trying to acquire their drugs. Legalisation nips the supply and price problem right in the bud. It also provides revenue that can be directed at rehabilitating addicts.

Legalisation does have a net gain - it's at least a better alternative to the situation we have now.

Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
That is to say, normalization of something that is potentially dangerous is not OK to me. Of course we have to take some risks, people are irresponsible with cars as much as they are with drugs - I would say it's a calculated risk, but most people don't think about it and the odds are relatively low.

Short term, if nothing else, the results of legalisation (of weed, anyway) looks promising. The normalisation process has probably begun, and usage remains the same (if it hasn't begun, then we'll wait and see what happens). By all reports, crime has dropped - if there's a pool that represents the total danger to society, then the pool's now a little shallower.

Yes, people are irresponsible. But we can combat that. If we're serious about this, then governments should be piling a whole heap of money into educating the people. Informing them so they have the knowledge that presupposes a responsible decision.
Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
Wouldn't it make more sense to make abuse illegal and use as prescribed by a train professional legal?

How exactly would this work? What would be your model to realise this scenario? Also, I would still insist on segregated competitions: natural and with use of steroids. Competitions are not about results only. It's not about the times of your laps. Those 9.77s for 100m sprint does not really mean anything in se. It's just a number. What matters is that number compared to other people. To reach these astronomically good lap times, you need to train hard and devote your life to the sport. If a substance exists that drastically reduces the effort necessary to reach a <10s lap time, and is widely used, then a <10s lap time instantly loses a lot of its value.
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