Real name:Algirdas
in-game name:Algiux
about me:I am karate kid
Preavios clans:Voltz,Krisps
Last edited by algiux; Nov 23, 2014 at 01:18 PM.
Date of birth: 12-30-2000
Location: GMT -5:00 (Eastern Standard Time)
Gender: Male
Belt: 5th Dan
Preferred mods: ABD, Boxshu_mushu_v2.tbm
Previous clans: Leader of (Erad)
More Info about yourself: I enjoy humor, I don't have many friends due to not being the common hipster. Also, I leg grab when I can in toribash to ensure a win. Because there is no reason to whine over a loss unless it was lag, for it is your own fault to be ill prepared. Next, I am 13, 14 in one month, and I am also an honours student with a 3.9 GPA. My higher vocab isn't to demean you, but simply enlighten you. I think I have written a lot more than I should have, but I have one last thing: I make sets, lotsa sets, not just any sets, but great sets.

Set #1

Set #2

Set #3

Set #4

Set #5

Final Set (No Joints, Will be added if Necessary)

All of the listed sets above were made with Mudbox, advanced sculpting and texturing software.

Thank you for reading.

Fucking kid venom u cant start your clan beacus u dont know how to read and plus your blind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!
Date of birth: 3rd December 2001 (so innocent)
Location: Scotland (GMT +0)
Gender: Male
Belt: Yellow (I'm an alt, my previous account was a Brown Belt)
Preferred mods: Taekkyon and any Aikio variant (Aikido, ABD, Greykido etc.)
Previous clans: None, I'm a virgin, kay.
More Info about yourself: Whelp, my name is Daniel - so sexy - and I have started to play Toribash again after a brief inactive period. I mainly play Taekkyon, it's my fave!
name: AlphaN00b
best mods: aikido,abd,greikido,mushu,wushu,all spar and parkour mods
why u want to join: coz u have best clan textures ever and u are so good in toribash
Date of birth: 09/15/2000
Location: Eastern Time (Us and Canada)
Gender: Male
Belt: Brown
Preferred mods: No parkour any other im ok with mostly greykido or akido
Previous clans: None
More Info about yourself: i like montage parodies, deadpool, batman, and um i like to try to fracture other people