Well this seems quite odd, but i'm going to post here to give my little opinion. First off our American government has the most hippocritical, crooked, and shot-sighted people on this planet. So, I say if people are going to be so bent out of shape about this just think of legal ways to do things, maybe read a law book or the Constitution?
If our government was so bent on getting people killed for profit well...I'd have to say that it probably isn't true. As for getting oil into our country and money into the oil companys and Bush's own pocket it is entirely beleivable.
As for dictatorship i mean who wouldn't wanna rule a country? I just have to say everyone dictatorship would suck under a person with no management skills, no leadership, not willing to compromise, and gluts him/her self with every luxury item there is possible.
So, in conclusion to my opinions (please don't flame me it's just an opinion) if you really are dependant upon you'r own government you need to stop and think of the people of America, and what you can do to help make our country better and maybe just maybe elect better people to represent us next time.
Sorry for taking your time.-Tornix
Last edited by tornix; Sep 1, 2008 at 05:40 AM.