Originally Posted by
Mod is r_parkour-mountainside.tbm. Enjoy ^_^ Also I didn't Apply for Ep.3 but I submitted this Good Replay for Ep.1 and it didn't get in(Though a few others of mine did and I won ^_^) so i'm Re-Submitting it
For some reason i can't see the mountains, so it looks all buggy can you tell me the problem so i can fix it?
Because if i don't fix it it will be all weird, the reason i didn't accept it last time is because i didn't think there was a mountain or anything there i fought it was just a hacked replay but yeah good replay, please tell me how to fix the invisible mountain.
Really good luck guys on becoming first place when i get to episode 10 but that will still be a while, but best of luck to all of you.
And i just developed a new really good replay, it includes a lot of manipulation, which looks really cool.
I love manipulation replay's so if you guys could make some of them that would be awesome, i enjoy seeing your replay's on the show but please tell me if you like my YouTube Channel if not i'll try fix some of the problems, also i'm thinking of doing what Experts said, by making
it so it's only single player replays instead of multiplayer and single player in the same one.
I'm thinking of making Top insane Fights and Save able On my YouTube channel as well, but i don't want to steal the names from ConCon, so if you have any ideas for the name's please say.
And i won't always have a thing for save able so if you Guys have any replay's and from a Frame you start at please submit them and say for the Series Main event, please say and it will most likely be used if it's good.
Top Insane Fights Would be Insane fights epic saves Epic Wins Just Epic stuff, The title kind of explains it, but i don't want single player replays included in it, so if you could send it replays for them too that would be awesome, i'll make the threads on the event thread too, so just look on that for the Other series i will start to make, they might not be uploaded on a Pacific Date, but i'll upload them ASAP.
Top Insane Fights:http://forum.toribash.com/showthread...46#post7716346
Last edited by Ecchi; Nov 14, 2014 at 06:02 PM.