You can have freedom in certain different areas. The number and significance of these areas can mean that overall you have more freedom.
Yeah. It's mostly, or partly free. These non-binary scales are recognised by all the freedom indices.
Because you're creating a system in which the will of a few decide the fate of all. You're creating an oligarchy - this is no different from the situation we have now. I started this thread asking for suggestions on how to fix the current situation, not replicate it. This is why I won't agree with you.
If someone is allowed to say more in one country, that country guarantees more freedom of speech.
Similarly, it is likewise unreasonable to deny that plumber the right to self-determination.
EDIT: Since you don't have an extensive expertise of political philosophy, every post you make rebuts your own argument, so that's kinda funny.
This is not a question of more freedom, but of less restriction.
Incorrect, under today's system I am entirely allowed to argue this position. Under the system I proposed experts would take over and could well create a better system.
Though I wonder why you would bring that up, as no one was saying otherwise...
An authoritative government is the way forward.
An oligarchy based on relevant education is not the same as an oligarchy of professional politicians.
Certain situations aren't either free or not - there's a lot more grey area than you'd think. Freedom isn't a binary.
Yes, it is. It's a system where power is in the hands of a few. It's an oligarchy. The only thing you're changing is who the few are. This is an irrefutable point.
You can't just go around pretending that things are they way you want them to be!
As I mentioned earlier. You are using a different meaning of the word "free" to Ele.
Really long boring argument about freedom including definitions. For ImmortalPig. [EDIT-I dun goofed]
I don't think that's true.
Freedom is freedom, restrictions are restrictions.
No shit mate, I got the point and your attempt at irony.
Just because a government is authorative doesn't mean that the right to self-determination is violated.
No shit Ele. Are you making meaningless statements to try and get my to disagree? Do you expect me to say that "well actually it's possible and I'm sure people do it"?
You can't just go around pretending that things are they way you want them to be!