Ok ty flubbah. Fragen stole Tox's head? lol. Hey wolf when will the utube vid be ready i want to see how addicted edited my replay i sent him :/. Im not pming addicted because...well.....idk...o_o
Last edited by WhiteFire; Sep 6, 2008 at 05:30 AM.
Reason: idk
I Burn With A Passion To (bleep) All Your Moms
George W. Bush: Master of low expectations and son of one HOT mother!
Ok ty flubbah. Fragen stole Tox's head? lol. Hey wolf when will the utube vid be ready i want to see how addicted edited my replay i sent him :/. Im not pming addicted because...well.....idk...o_o
well, Addicted don't know when the video ups, cause only 5 members of the clan send him replays, and he need more