Hi,my named is Jihad Scott and I'm here to apply.Last time I applied here I got denied due to some crazy stuff that happened at auroras clan thread but that's the past.Kratos said I could apply again so here I am.
Now,on to the application.Well actually I want to tell you some stuff about myself.I am 14 years of age in my freshmen year of highschool.I am black american and native american.Probably about 50/45.I play Junior varsity football and varsity basketball for my school.
I played starting middle linebacker for my schools football team and 2nd string point guard for my basketball team.We just won a game vs global studies Friday
.But you probably wouldn't know about them because I'm sure we live in different countries.I live in Buffalo NY.But the lame thing about my school is that they only have varsity basketball.
So usually no freshmen's start on the team :/.But they are adding junior varsity next year for my school
.My schools football team won the championsships too
.The season was over quick since it was flagbootball.I go to a charter school for now,but for my sophomore year I'm going to one of the best public schools in buffalo NY called Hutchinson Tech.
But sadly for now I'm stuck at a charter school.OK,that's enough about myself,you will just have to meet me to find out more ;) But now I want to tell you a little about my past in toribash.I created a account back in 2011 named Cyronez.I never really played multiplayer toribash on that account.I usually just stuck to single player.
So in that time of playing in 2011 i was pretty good.But then I took a break from toribash and didn't end up coming back until 2014.When I came back I forgot everything about this game.I was bassically a newbie to the game again.But,it didn't take that long to become skilled at this game again because of my friend nrm8085.
He taught me the basics of toribash and much more.He taught me how to use my wrist to manipulate bodies,how to gain high velocity,how to get DMS,etc.He was a great tutor.But sadly he doesn't play this game anymore.Well that's pretty much I can tell you for my past in toribadh .
My in game activity is probably a 9/10 while my forum activity is 8/10.I do be on the forums a lot its just that I don't really post on them.I just don't like it.I like to be in game were the action is at.But if I get accepted into this clan my forum activity will go up to a 10/10.Why do I want to join this clan?I want to join this clan because I can see this clan going very far.I see that the clan is now reborn and even with the lack of players at the moment it is already filled with some of the best players in toribash.
Just if your wondering my last clans are (Its),(Velocity),(LT),and (Shaolin).I left shaolin because me and my friend nrm8085 went to go and create our new clan named (Velocity) which is currently dead.I left (LT) because the clan was just never active.The only person that was active was the co leader Juanmans.But when he left the clan no one was active.I left velocity because the leader(nrm8085) was leaving toribash and I just didn't feel that I was to experienced in the game to run the clan by myself.We used to be a pretty good clan too.A lot of people knew use by our old clan named called Angels of Hell.Clan tag (AoH)
And I left its because the leaders were never active.So we never really got to war.There were war manager named Charm1 and Karma but they eneded up leaving the clan so then the clan never really wared.Aso considering the fact that the clan leaders were inactive it was really not working out,so I left.
Well that's my application and I REALLY hope I don't get get denied this time because I've set my mind on getting into this clan.So I will keep trying and trying until I do.But yes that's it,I hope you guys liked my application.Peace.
P.S I don't have replays at the moment because I am on my tablet right now.But either way I don't think replays show the true skill of the player.So If you would be able to meet me in game that would be great
.Also please don't deny me because of my belt I am pretty skilled for a 3rd Dan black belt.And if you don't believe me just me me in game ;)
Btw the image is not working because im on my tablet.
Last edited by IsUCkZ; Dec 7, 2014 at 06:09 AM.
Reason: <24 hour edit/bump