Hi, my in-game name is Reedy, my real name is Andy and i am 17 years old.
Skype: Redy (or the id: reedyxd)
How can I benefit the clan? I could add tc to the bank and I like to think I could help in wars too, it's not much but it's all I can think of at the moment.
Infractions? None.
I spend my time on tourneys so i don't really have a mod that i can say i am best on, i usually adapt and develop my own move in different mods and make the best of it. And that's pretty much all that I can say about me.
Oh, right, i want to join the clan because i played alone for a long time and i really want to make part of a team/clan/community, why your clan? It was introduced to me by d3athd3mon. Looking forward for your answer.