Ingame Name-Leak14
How long you have been playing-about 4&1/2 weeks online:about 13 months 1 player
Your Age-13( almost 14
) cool..I've never done THAT before.
Timezone and country-Eastern
Your Best mode-if you mean mod, I'd have to go with... samuri1:if your talking about something like, the dojo match, then, well... dojo match(size=1300)
Received any infractions/suspensions on the forum-Nope:-)
Previous clans -....none....
Do you have a sense of humor? If so what kind- i can usually take a joke, but, some days, I'm just generally pissed at the world......
personality-I see myself as info-sponge, Don't EVEN say the word nerd.... I get it enough at school, I mean, seriously, is a 3.9 GPA something to be ashamed of?
Like/Dislike furries -Furries?
Pie or cake?-I usually stack it up in this order: cake, ice cream, PIE!!!!!!
But, you do it any way you choose.
Why you want to join -I've wanted to be in a clan for SO LONG, but my internet was down, so here I am, applying one clan at a time, hoping for the chance to become at least a highly regarded, Toribash warrior, and I think you guys can help me with that.
PS-Would it be OK if I lead a clan that, like, branches out, kind of like a strike team or something? Just asking.
Last edited by Leak14; Sep 23, 2008 at 12:33 AM.