Christmas Lottery
I want to know where the fuck you got that statistic. That's ridiculous. You can't measure how many people are killed because of marijuana or cigarettes. Here's what you can say.

Cigarettes put you at a huge risk for lung cancer.
So does pot, but the risk isn't increased by AS MUCH.

But on the flipside, lots of people die every year from people driving under the influence of pot too.
Originally Posted by DesertPunk View Post
the thing people dont seem to want to mention, is the one huge fall with mary J allot of people who smoke weed arnt retarded, but allot are. My buddy right next to me watching tv is a smart kid, but the kids I goto school with who smoke weed are retarded.

and most of my friends who started smoking weed have gone to higher drugs.
Mostly E, all kids who smoke weed don't agree with weed being a gate way drug, but from my experience, ive seen allot of peoples lives get ruined because they switch to E or acid.

Not to sound stupid, but what's E?

EDIT: Urbandictionary informed me that it is ecstasy
Hmmm, I must be backwards then! I originally started on harder things and after quitting all that I find sitting with a sliff (or two, three...) is quite relaxing.

On the other hand I know a lot of people that have turned into total wasters from it. One of them now a paranoid wreck verging on schizophrenia - but he's had 20+ years of non stop weed smoking, and I guess it's kinda inevitable something like that happening if your on it 24/7.

Oddly enough though the majority of people I know that are on harder drugs are a lot more productive than the weed smokers, and rather than veging out on the couch all day they go to work, and shock horror leave the house!

Don't get me wrong I have a soft spot for drugs, but I also know that the UK's full of enough lazy people. At least right now they have to get off their asses to find a dealer rather than ordering it online from the local supermarket.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
I've never touched marijuana my entire life. But I don't think it's nearly as bad as cigarettes. But my situation sure wouldn't benefit from marijuana. People are smoking all around me when I'm waiting for the bus to get to my classes. If it were legal pot they were all smoking instead of cigarettes, I wouldn't be able to concentrate in class because I'd be high every time I got there. XD
EDIT: Of course, second hand cigarette smoke isn't too good for me either.
Last edited by Guv_na; Sep 19, 2008 at 12:31 AM.
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He who was the butt of the joke reserves no right to say "that wasn't funny."

Originally Posted by Dalir View Post
It's not addictive, it's healthier than cigarettes, you get alot more fun out of it. I ask why not? Alcohol is more dangerous, so it's just stupid that marijuana is illegal while alcohol isn't. I'll back this out with facts when I get out of school. And yeah, cigarettes is legal because marijuana is classed as a drug while cigarettes isn't, which is a stupid bureaucratic reason.

Originally Posted by supakiller View Post
it should be legal. here in the Netherlands it is legal and it isn't a problem at all. so why not?

Originally Posted by hidingwarior View Post
I want to know where the (bleep) you got that statistic. That's ridiculous. You can't measure how many people are killed because of marijuana or cigarettes. Here's what you can say.

Cigarettes put you at a huge risk for lung cancer.
So does pot, but the risk isn't increased by AS MUCH.

But on the flipside, lots of people die every year from people driving under the influence of pot too.

you cant stop that.
and smoking weed is actually good for you in some ways.
Originally Posted by DesertPunk View Post

Nice... sources dp.
The micro looks like snot, which is somewhat disturbing.

Originally Posted by KBASHER159 View Post
you cant stop that.
and smoking weed is actually good for you in some ways.

Nice informed, intelligent, nonbiased or purely insane position there.
Absolutes are a bad idea.
"No matter what"?
What if anyone suspected of smoking marijuana was killed on the spot, if possible in a very graphic, brutal, slow and painful way?


Largely, I think marijuana should be legalized, as well as all illegal drugs.
Evolution goes to work.
First of all, it is, within reasonable means, an absurd attempt to eliminate illicit drug trades and use, with the levels most countries are willing to go to. Furthermore, by making drugs illegal, it is possible for drug dealers to monopolize and gouge customers, (made all the easier by addiction), a practice which could be controlled if it were legalized and regulated. One of the greatest dangers to non-users is the fact that these drug addicts, faced with buying "needed" "products" from a not-necessarily reasonable or reliable dealer, may be forced to turn to crime to fund their habits.
That would be pretty much controlled if these drugs were legalized. You don't often here about people getting mugged so someone can afford hospital care.
Most importantly (imaaaft), the evolutionary perspective. Those persons with addictive personalities, who are likely to succumb to peer pressure, whateverthefsckyouwantthatmakesyoudodrugs, etc, are undoubtedly less likely to succeed in life, are less like to procreate (competently), and will largely weed themselves out.
Last edited by PlayerID666; Sep 20, 2008 at 07:15 PM.

<Ownzilas> Alright
<Ownzilas> 3'2 then
<Ownzilas> Half PID's dick.

Originally Posted by PlayerID666 View Post
Nice... sources dp.
The micro looks like snot, which is somewhat disturbing.

Nice informed, intelligent, nonbiased or purely insane position there.
Absolutes are a bad idea.
"No matter what"?
What if anyone suspected of smoking marijuana was killed on the spot, if possible in a very graphic, brutal, slow and painful way?

ok im America we dont kill people for smoking a plant and second it can help you if you are in pain you smoke spme weed and you dont hurt anymore and if it killed you why would they give it to patiences? if you have cancer and it affects you like some people say it does they would die on the spot.