Nate's Doctor Application
Hey guys! I'm Nate I don't know if any of you remember me from in-game, error might. Anyways, I've played with a couple of you guys and I can tell you're active. Much more active than my previous clans, and that is why I'd like to join, I'm looking for a fun, active clan. Alright, lets get down to it, I live in the United States and my GMT is -4, I like to play, just about any type of mod for the fun.
I chose to join Doctor because I've met some of the members before, and the fact that you're all active, I see you quite often, or I have. I want to join you because of those reasons and the fact that you're a young clan that I'd love to be a part of from the beginning. I think I can help you a lot with recruiting, and I'm on almost every day so I hope to help a lot in warring.
I don't think that I have very many "Special skills" in my opinion besides talking, I'm pretty good at that.. Anyways, my Skype is njfrosty and I'm more contactable through that. Although I'm almost always scrolling the forums, I get pop-up notifications from Skype so I notice it.
Well, there's not much more I can say, that's my application, thanks for reading it!