Original Post
[Revived] Clash of Clans (with 25k giveaway)

Welcome to the Unity Inquisition 2015 Clash of Clans event!

How will this run?
In this event, clans will be signed up to fight in a tournament styled bracket. Each match will be fought like a normal official Toriclan war against your designated opponent. The winner will be recorded and moved on in the tournament and so on and so forth until we have a winner... Hopefully. The mod will be ABD.

New rule: The clan wars must involve at least two members from each clan.

How long will this last?
Each phase in the bracket will last one week. That means you have one week to meet up with the other clan and start an official war against them. If you do not finish for some reason, both clans lose by default.

Completely free ;o

Sign up below using this format!

Sign up

Round 1 results

Round 2 Results

KnC vs. Inq
Inq vs. Aether
Aether vs. KnC

Whichever clan wins both times in the finals comes 1st. The clan that wins only once, comes 2nd. The clan that loses both comes 3rd.

1st Place Clan: 100,000 Toricredits

2nd Place Clan: 75,000 Toricredits

3rd Place Clan: 50,000 Toricredits

If you would like to enter the free 25,000 Toricredit raffle, Please say so below!

The winner of the raffle is MartinDL
Last edited by Ele; Aug 15, 2015 at 10:41 AM.
raflerino enterino plserino
click my sig for a great time (WIP)
im smoking weed out of a pussy filled with money i like this
Aether wins Wapow 10-7
Shout out to Adam for losing 3 matches, good job!

Last edited by Albus; Jul 26, 2015 at 08:51 PM.
[03:39] <idabosswiz> can't you just set up a pass for ddos?
7-1 vs Origin.
The score is also in our war history.
I'm a ToriAgent, got any questions? Send me a private message here.
After being unable to schedule events due to things like clan league, Inq and Obey came to a mutual agreement that Inq would progress to the finals, which means...

The finals have now started. The winner of the 25k raffle is MartinDL - congrats.

Aether, KnC and Inq have 2 weeks (but why not get it done sooner) to war each other. Each clan needs to war the other 2 clans. As usual, post here with the results.
Make love, not war.

Diplomacy has prevailed. The three finalist clans, in their wisdom and hope for a better future, have decided to put down their fists and shins. The 225k prize has been split equally between the finalists (75k each). Surely this is a true testament to human compassion and good-will.