Secret Santa 2024
Wednesday, August 4, 2083
Seconds left to live...

Almost 100 years. <.<
Friday, March 26, 2066
Seconds left to live..

What the hell. Only going to get 74 years old? >.>
We'll see, deathclock!

*Proceeds to apply optimistic attitude*

Now i'm going to live to be 94 :3
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Saturday, May 20, 2084
Seconds left to live...

my BMI is 18 XD I'm underweight...

I will live to 89!
Last edited by MaddMaxx10; Sep 27, 2008 at 04:29 PM.
<MaddMaxx10> I used to not have a life <MaddMaxx10> I do now
<stonewall> and so you're here <stonewall> yeah, perfect sense
Monday, December 26, 2078 Seconds left to live...

Thats... 83 years?

Seems pretty nice :P
[o]|ORMO|Replay thread!
Last edited by Chartle; Tomorrow at 13:37 AM..
Lolwut? I'm not gonna live for very long.


(bleep) you! My BMI is 18.1 bitches.

Holy shit. I'm gonna die in my mid 50's
Last edited by OldBean; Sep 27, 2008 at 04:54 PM.
Echomarine 4 the win
Thursday, July 1, 2094
Seconds left to live...


Maybe cause im only 13?

lol 98 years old?
<apple> Fine, I love you in the gayest of ways.
Wednesday, October 22, 2042 Seconds left to live...

This is assuming I stay the same weight my entire life,
and no other variables occur which inhibit my lifespan.
(My view on life and my non-smoking status are static though.)
>>The Official Guv'na Fan Club<<
o7[OLDA] pride, world wide o7

He who was the butt of the joke reserves no right to say "that wasn't funny."

1,919,162,844 seconds to live

Tuesday, July 23, 2069

I will be 74.


BMI is 20
Last edited by LRG; Sep 27, 2008 at 05:24 PM.